Making Power Plants sellable
Help and Request
First, the proper music for tone:
Ok, I came up with a new Power Plant variation for the Surveyor.
From misc_equip.ini:[Power] nickname = gci_elitelf_power_01 ids_name = 589840 ids_info = 590840 DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\li_fusion_reactor.3db material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat mass = 10 volume = 0.000000 capacity = 10000 charge_rate = 1250 thrust_capacity = 1000 thrust_charge_rate = 100 lootable = false
The Name and Infocard is done, and I’ve even added an entry in misc_goods.ini:
[Good] nickname = gci_elitelf_power_01 equipment = gci_elitelf_power_01 category = equipment ids_name = 589840 ids_info = 590840 price = 250000 combinable = false item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\equipicon_powerplant.3db shop_archetype = equipment\models\commodities\crates\crate_grey.3db
Ok, I plan to sell this good at select bases in Liberty Space, in the Disco Mod, is there a base that accepts the sales of experimental hardware in Liberty, according to the lore? It must be a lawful/quasi-lawful faction.
Also, I plan to make power plants interchangeable, sell an old for a new, how do I make the power plant visible in the sell box?
30 Aug 2016, 17:37
30 Aug 2016, 17:37