Starting Single Player Without Campaign
This is actually several modding questions rolled into one, but they all tie back to the same thing.
As part of an idea I have, i’m looking to set up a custom start for a mod project. By this I mean all opening cinematics are skipped, no story missions are started and single-player possibly begins on a base aside from Manhattan with the player already having a ship (I’d also like to see if I can change the start ship and begin building a custom campaign, but the latter at least is beyond my skill right now, so will be for another day).
I’ve heard a mod called OpenSP (?) might be able to do at least some of this, but I don’t know if you need permission to begin building on top of someone else’s mod (though i’d assume you would), so would prefer to see if I can arrange this setup from the ground up instead.
Are there any simple changes that can achieve at least some of this?
You might want to checkout Chips effort from back in the day
It does pretty much what you said except it starts at the end of the campaign (like all OpenSP mods) rather than a clean sheet start.
This has a massive chunk of what I was looking for. Thank you.
Is Chips still around? I’d like to ask if I can have their permission to use this as part of the groundwork for what i’m thinking of working on. If not, I can still try and learn what they did to implement it myself.