Corrupted Files
Just yesterday and this morning, I downloaded 3 Mods for FLMM, when I went to add them , I got a message saying each one was corrupted. Am I doing something wrong, or is someone else having this issue? I am using FLMM 1.3.
Welcome to the Starport
Which mods were you trying to install?
some mods are encoded using 7zip compression, I dont think 1.3 can handle that, also ver 1.31 is available in the downloads - has a couple of bug fixes on 1.3
I have been have issues with sci-fiuniverse1.1 at I can add the file to FLMM but when I activate it, it says it is corrupted and does nothing to launch game. Also, I have both 1.3 and 1.31 FLMM.
I downloaded the mod and installed 1.31 - seems to install fine. I did unzip the mod directly into the mod folder using 7z though. 1.31 wasnt reponsive to opening the file. You might try that.
What exactly is 1.31 saying in the log or pop-up window?
Is freelancer installed in a folder outside of “Program files”?
it refused to let me open it in side the mod folder.
But the SciFi mod refuses to launch the game, 1.31 is working fine for me, juist not that mod.
I’m using FLMM 2.0e and it gives me an error message on the battleship encounters equipment xml saying the first line of br_battleship doesn’t start with ‘[’.
When I look at the modfile the author put the nickname in thesection. I’m not sure if that works or not. I thought thesection had to have the [Ship] line first.
But, I’m running ragged lately and don’t have time to dig deeply into it.
Just to give you an update, all mods work on FLMM 1.31 except for Scifi Universe mod.
It says the files are corrupted or does it say the mod failed to load?
If FLMM says the mod failed to load it should give you an indication on where the problem(s) lies.
If it says the files are corrupted can you open the file using 7zip?
Perhaps you can unzip them with 7zip and rezip them with winzip or rezip them as a zip file instead of a 7z file.
7zip refuses to let me extract the mod directly into FLMM mod folder. I would love to add a photo/screenshot into forum, but I do not know how to do that.
I do remember on the old LancerReactor site, someone told me if I had the original FLMM, the sci-fiuniverse1.1 would run on that. But I do not seem to be able to find it in the mod downloads.
Syntax changes made various versions incompatible with some flmm mods. Most would take to much effort to re-write.
Found flmm 1.21 if you want to give it a try
My computer would not let me download it, got a message saying it could be harmful for my computer.
Try this, make a second copy of the file and change the extension from .7z to .flmm.
Then see if that imports.
Still didn’t work. Game still will not load while Scifi Universe mod is active.
Look in your Users<username>\AppData\Local\Freelancer folder for a file called flspew.txt, see if it gives any clues.</username>
I don’t see the AppData folder anywhere.
Open up file explorer and select your c drive
Then go to the view tab and click on options.
Select the View tab and select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and a couple options down uncheck hide protected operating system files (recommended).that should give you full view of the contents of your drive.
This is what is repeated through out the flspew
C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\WavLib\wavlib.cpp(32) : ERROR:General:StreamingSound: missing MP3 codec? -
I think that’s a normal error.
Where do you see the message that the files are corrupted? Is it something that FL generates or something that FLMM generates?
Lemme try something.
robocop wrote:
Try this, make a second copy of the file and change the extension from .7z to .flmm.Then see if that imports.
That should’ve been change it to .flmod, not .flmm.