How to get Vanilla Freelancer running in 2025 (no cd)
Hi all,
Just been looking at the Forum stats over the past week and noticed one of our most popular searches is “no cd”.
So just thought I’d copy the guide we have on Discord over so people know how to get Vanilla Freelancer up and running in 2023.
This guide is only intended for Vanilla players, that means no other mods.
Download and Install Freelancer
The first step is to download and install the base game. I won’t post a link to the download here, but it’s pretty easy to find.
We recommend that you don’t install Freelancer to Program Files as this has caused issues for users in the past. If you have another drive, installing to D:\Microsoft Games\Freelancer or something would be ideal.
You have two options here, only select one of these.
Freelancer HD Edition
This contains all the fixes (JFLP, No CD EXE, and more) as well as additional bug fixes and graphical improvements.- Download the latest FreelancerHDSetup.exe from
- Open the setup file and read the instructions on-screen carefully
Vanilla Patch (Combined 1.1, JFLP, No-CD)
This contains just the fixes required to get you up and running with no graphical improvements.- Download the self extracting zip
- Extract to your Freelancer installation e.g. D:\Microsoft Games\Freelancer
You will need to right click and “Run as Admin” for the patch if installing to Program Files.
Installing other mods
If you are intending to install other mods, we recommend not installing the patches above and instead following the mod’s installation instructions. HD Edition and the combined patch are intended for Vanilla players and are not compatible with other mods unless otherwise stated by the mod’s developers.
R Raikkonen pinned this topic on
R Raikkonen referenced this topic on
R Raikkonen referenced this topic on
thank you so much to giving this information out I can finally play the most amazing game of my teen years again, the HD isn’t even needed it looks epic still
@Squ1dly Version will always say 1.0. 1.1 does not change the visible version number.
If you’re invincible take a look at PerfOptions.ini in My Games/Freelancer and see if DIFFICULTY_SCALE is set to 0.00. it needs to be set at 1.00 to take damage.
Hello, I just installed the game and followed all instructions. I kept everything vanilla in the settings and only chose my 16:9 resolution. When I launch the game, it pops up and shows the FREELANCER logo for 1 second and then shots down. I am running as admin but have no idea what to do here.
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorreplied to GoobleGaming on last edited by
@GoobleGaming Hi there, would you be able to provide your FLSpew.txt file? It can be found in
and might give us a better idea of what’s going wrong when you launch the game! -
@GoobleGaming are you sure you are launching the Freelancer HD shortcut instead of the Freelancer shortcut? The original one won’t launch in the same way you are describing.
Running Windows 11 Pro.
Game installs fine, noCD patch applied, no other mods.
Game opens fine, I get to the character selection screen, select my char, enter game, and a black window opens up and nothing…
When I alt-tab out to switch the black window closes and Freelancer.exe is not running in task manager.
What’s up? -
@robocop Try wiping out the Freelancer folder in My Documents/My Games (after backing up your MP ID of course)
Also as its MP, are you 100% sure you are loading a Vanilla character? e.g. no FLU modified equipment/ships mounted?
Thanks Raik, that was the problem… Dummy me.
Worked fine with a brand new vanilla character. Once I got FLMM working properly everything loads fine.
Sometimes you just need to work out these things by talking it out with someone else.
Thanks for steering me in the right direction.