3D Model Showroom
Launch with extending wings!
Marvelous 8-)
Jeider, Sizer, hats off.
@ Jeider, do you plane to release a mod soon because everything you make is awesome (no offense Sizer you too make awesome things )
Many thanks Jeyder to help animate my model. -
Glac wrote:
Many thanks Jeyder to help animate my model.That is quite superb
Domo arigato! :D: D
Good Work Jeider!!!
@Jeider your mod now is Esrb M
Finished Liberty gunboat! What do you think?
YT-1300 visits Sirius Sector away from home, Corellia…
( HQ model )
( Open Image in New Tab ) -
You might want to tone down your ENB, the crushed blacks and overbearing bloom make it hard to see the model. Otherwise, looks pretty good, I like that you got a cockpit.
Thanks FF
Yeah sorry about the bloom… lmao… I was near a sun and it definitely took a high intensity effect. I was looking for a light source and when I found one I was a little satisfied of the result.
It is just like in real space when the sun hits directly the ISS and notice that the bloom intensity is a little bit high but there are some times that the light intensity is also low or in normal lighting.
It’s just that with a white or grey paints it just sucks all the lights in so the brightness increase…
Anyway thanks for the feedback FF next time I will tone down the bloom effect a little bit.
Speaking of ships I’ll flagrantly advertise one.
Only 1 previous owner and only 9000 light years on her!
If you’re interested call me at Jeff’s Used Starships
Tripoli Shipyards on Corsair channel 666!EDIT: Ship in Jefferson’s Supership mod now in downloads!
Remember that Jeff here sticks guns and turrets everywhere! Cut them down to taste in the scripting!
Also I test in sandbox so you might want to get rid of Uber shields and infinite power, so on. That’s why I script so modders can trim to tastes in the loadout!