NPC only can use CM to resistance torpedo or missile ?
I meaning is, besides CM has any other weapons can let NPC to resistance torpedo or missile ?
I never see NPC shoot torpedo or missile, even I adjustment the pilots_population.ini file.
Is that vanilla freelancer limit ? or NPC don’t know how to resistance torpedo or missile ?
Thanks for your help.
Wow thats crazy, in vanilla FL u have tons of NPC’s using CD and Torps, not sure about missiles but should work too.
Try the ace pilots they’re very hard and they use Torps and CD’s.
For missiles try also the ace pilots or simply create missiles turrets, i made some as drone lunchers for my ancients and they work. -
Thanks for your reply, like foxUnit01 say, I means is I want the AI to shoot down incoming Missiles / Torpedoes.
Hi fox, your mod is my teacher, I’m very like your mod.
If you say you have yet to find a solution, I think that is not yet a solution for that I want.
Thanks for your all of help. ;D