Unused features
Don’t remember, who came up with the dispersion angle,
but it’s useful for (at least) 2 things:
-> if you have a small weapon cmp with more then one hpfire,
you will see only one projectil, cause the 2, 3, 5 projectils are on the same route.
Add a little dispersion and the ll spread away and you ll be able 2 see the projectils flying.
-> for some fun stuff like this cheap ‘used’ gun, which will hardly hit anything:
nickname = t4_10_puls_phaser
ids_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES(“2hand Very Small T4 Pulse Phaser”)
ids_info = 0 ;GENERATEXMLRES(“<xml><rdl><push><tra data=“1” mask=“1” def=”-2"><just loc=“center”><text>2hand Very Small T4 Pulse Phaser</text><para><para><tra data=“0” mask=“1” def=“-1”><just loc=“left”><text>The T4 Pulse Phaser is one of the best weapons around in Sirius, but can only be mounted on VHFs. Skilled Pilots of small Fighters were willing to pay lots of money for a smaller version of the T4 Pulse Phaser, which could be mounted on small ships. So this weapon was developed, but it is very expensive and eats up energy like nothing. This one is used and a real bargain.</text><para></para></just></tra></para></para></just></tra></push></rdl></xml>")
DA_archetype = equipment\models\weapons\no_fighter_gun.cmp
material_library = equipment\models\br_equip.mat
HP_child = HPConnect
hit_pts = 1362
explosion_resistance = 0.5000000
debris_type = debris_normal
parent_impulse = 20
child_impulse = 80
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
hp_gun_type = hp_gun_special_3
damage_per_fire = 0
power_usage = 45.800.003
refire_delay = 0.09320
muzzle_velocity = 1738
dispersion_angle = 2
use_animation = Sc_fire
toughness = 1.600000
flash_particle_name = br_particle03_flash
flash_radius = 15
light_anim = l_gun01_flash
projectile_archetype = t4_02_puls_phaser_ammo
separation_explosion = sever_debris
auto_turret = false
turn_rate = 90
lootable = true
LODranges = 0, 20, 40, 80, 100
You sure about that LS? I don’t have that line and my ships happily fly round at a higher speed
out commenting the limit works as well
And how about “obsolete”?
* Possible string reference 639A648h "%s(%d) : *** WARNING: mission_vendor_type is obsolete in %s\n"
And FLServer still search this:
5281 In INI_Reader::is_value(pObject:0x00000000: Bad Pointer,PSTR:0x0639A688:“mission_vendor_type”) 0x00000000 0x0627561A Common.dll + 0x0001561A 0x00000888 0x000009EC 0x00000000 EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x00000000, ECX=0x0301b7e0, EDX=0x0301bc08, ESI=0x0301b7e0, EDI=0x071bb098, EFL=0x00000246, ESP=0x0301b6ac, EBP=0x06277c50 EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x00000000, ECX=0x0000006d, EDX=0x0301bc08, ESI=0x0301b7e0, EDI=0x071bb098, EFL=0x00000257, ESP=0x0301b6b0, EBP=0x06277c50 -1.#IND 15:27:26:878:628,1 5 Common.dll INI_Reader::is_value C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Common.dll
Firekiss wrote:
I was experimenting with the dispersion thing, I made a gun with 3 HpFire hardpoints, it just works like a real shotgun should! Really cool! (be careful when using multiple HpFire hardpoints, using too many of them causes instacrash)Maximum is 5.
There are my Flak-cannons:
And AA-launchers:
Came across another command last night while trying to help FF find an attachment solution for equipment. Don’t know what it’s for but the command is attachment_archetype
According to FF the command does produce an error if used wrong, now just need to figure out what really uses it…
BTW, nice flak fx Nova
attachment_archetype it must be in [Good] section - right?
attachment_archetype, was this perhaps used for attaching weapon coolers and other “enhancement” models like the ge_weapon_cooler.3db which looks like it should fit over something. just a thought
I haven’t run a debug test but it is smack in the middle of the goods reader code….
It is called by GoodInfoList::read_Good_block(INI_Reader *,GoodInfo *)
The command above it is ‘HP_Child’ and below is ‘hull’.
loc_6270A40: ; CODE XREF: GoodInfoList::read_Good_block(INI_Reader *,GoodInfo *)+403j .text:06270A40 push offset aAttachment_arc ; "attachment_archetype" .text:06270A45 call ?is_value@INI_Reader@@QAE_NPBD@Z ; INI_Reader::is_value(char const *) .text:06270A4A test al, al .text:06270A4C mov ecx, ebx .text:06270A4E jz short loc_6270A7A .text:06270A50 call ?get_value_string@INI_Reader@@QAEPBDXZ ; INI_Reader::get_value_string(void) .text:06270A55 lea ecx, [esp+0F4h+var_B4] .text:06270A59 mov esi, eax .text:06270A5B call ?clear@CacheString@@QAEXXZ ; CacheString::clear(void) .text:06270A60 push 1 .text:06270A62 push esi .text:06270A63 call ?StringAlloc@@YAPADPBD_N@Z ; StringAlloc(char const *,bool) .text:06270A68 add esp, 8 .text:06270A6B mov [esp+0F4h+var_B4], eax .text:06270A6F mov [ebp+84h], eax .text:06270A75 jmp loc_6270D8E .text:06270A7A
Attachment_archetype is usually just copied from the equipment’s archetype (attachment_archetype is an alias for DA_archetype in that case). The EngClass plugin requires specifying attachment_archetype (since that’s a case where it doesn’t get copied), otherwise it won’t work right.
Intresting, that:
nickname = MSN01a_Large_Transport
archetype = ge_large_transport ; <- ship have self cargo space
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = infinite_power
equip = sfx_rumble_ut_large
equip = ge_tl_engine_01
equip = co_transport_turret01_mark01, HpTurret_U1_01
equip = co_transport_turret01_mark01, HpTurret_U1_02
equip = co_transport_turret01_mark01, HpTurret_U1_03
equip = co_transport_turret01_mark01, HpTurret_U1_04
equip = co_transport_turret02_mark01, HpTurret_U3_01
equip = SlowLargeWhite, HpRunningLight05
equip = SlowLargeWhite, HpRunningLight10
equip = SlowLargeWhite, HpRunningLight11
equip = SlowLargeWhite, HpRunningLight12
equip = SlowLargeWhite, HpRunningLight13
equip = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight01
equip = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight02
equip = DockingLightRed, HpDockLight03
equip = cargopod_red, hpcargo01
equip = cargopod_red, hpcargo02
equip = cargopod_red, hpcargo03
equip = cargopod_red, hpcargo04
cargo = commodity_food, 1000, hpcargo01 ;<-And? cargopod_red may contain unlimited positions of cargo?
cargo = commodity_food, 1000, hpcargo02 ; -//-
cargo = commodity_pharm, 1000, hpcargo03 ; -//-
cargo = commodity_pharm, 1000, hpcargo04 ; -//Theoretically player may extend cargo bay by buying cargopods…
But that commodities are already in these cargopods. If you buy a ship with this configuration the cargopods will just once include these commidities. After they exploded, the cargopod and the commodity is gone. Theoretically they are not displayed in your cargo space.
But! We have mines, cms and guns that needs ammo…
Cm as cargopod, commodity as ammo, hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmh…
lgt_time_scale <- effects.ini [effect] - time of lightning jump_done_effect_nonplayer <- jumpeffect.ini [JumpShipEffect] - effect when jump is done for NPC? jump_done_effect_player <- jumpeffect.ini [JumpShipEffect] - effect when jump is done for Player
dpcking property ‘pad’ works just like ‘berth’ except the radio messages are ‘i need to land’ and ‘you are cleared to land’
berth docking ships can use pad dockmounts without editing their mission props, you would only use the pad reference in the xml for your dockable solar, not in the actual ships…
there is also a small moor type (not used in vanilla fl) that needs adding to the xml for your dockable solar, and to the ships meant to use the new moors
on the gun front…
gun_elevation =
gun_azimuth =
dispersion_angle = -
Elevation - angle of a barrel.
Did tried to setup it vertically (90 degrees) - no luck.
May be i take not right turret.Azimuth - dirty saying certain degrees to left or right.
So it’s a question of what SHOULD they do…
Elevation, at a guess should set the default elevation of a gun, so for example if you mounted a hardpoint on an angled part of the hull, rather than the barrel starting parallel to the hul, you could set a default elevation os it pointed forward rather than upwards or downwards.
Azimuth is the same thing for rotation, old naval term, angle of bearing, you use an ‘azimuth mirror’ to take bearings and elevation angles when doing observational fixes in coastal navigation, top of the lighthouse is elev x degrees, bearing y degrees, etc, so you can plot the stuff on your chart to fork out a ‘fix’ (accurate calculated position rather than a ‘dead rekoning’ estimate based on heading and speed).