I read another article on Babbage some time ago, super language - apparently it’s been modified so much that it is now on Version ‘C’ and is called “Cabbage”. It’s more environmentally friendly because it’s much more organic and a lot greener - but Cabbage is just Babbage grown on Patches, really. - :?
The developers of the new version are called “The Cabbage Patch Kids”.
The wrappers are called “Leaves” in keeping with the organic theme. They are quite raw as code goes, and have to be removed before compiling (that’s now called “Cooking” by experts in the know). Some developers say they keep the Leaves for shredding and use them in what they call a “Stir-Fry” process. Not sure what that will concoct, probably a melee of fried code snippets? Anyone know for sure?
One other interesting development is that Cabbage patches are apparently quite big, so they’re now called “Allotments”. 😎
And there is also a new loader that comes with it, and that’s called the “Loader Bool”, which has a cue- sheet called the “Loader-Bool-Sheet” - careful how you say that in mixed company.