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    Regarding the SVN problem: My suggestion is to start the SVN server, check each repo out with git SVN brigde (e.g. Tortoisegit has it integrated right into the clone dialog) and then upload it as a git repo. You can have the full history from SVN this way. You just need to do this correctly. I have some SVN repos checked out as git repo just before it got shut down this way. But not all of them.

  • Discussion not limited to Freelancer-related topics.

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    Ahh brilliant! I’ve suffered this exact issue and I’m so glad to see it fixed. Thank you!

  • Modding discussion, support and showcasing.

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    A/Stand - standing NPC
    A/SitLow - a sitting NPC

    the player’s approach to the npc is P—> P2 (approximate distance 0.55)

    …Main cameras…
    AC2/Camera - the player’s approach and appeal to the NPC - (a look at the NPC)
    PCO/Camera - the NPC’s response - (a look at the player)
    ACOH/Camera - the NPC’s suggestion - (a look at the npc)
    WFC/Camera - information output - (rumor, mission, etc.)
    PCS/Camera - the answer/player’s refusal - (a glance at the player)
    ACS/Camera - NPC’s suggestion to visit next time - (a glance at the NPC)
    Card check:
    PCU/Camera - the player takes out the card - (look at the player)
    ACU/Camera - NPC checks the card - (a glance at the npc with the transition to ACS/Camera)
    …Non-main cameras…
    PC2/Camera - A two-person player camera??? Side view of both people. You should focus more on Irok than on NPCs.
    TCI/Camera - It looks like this is the angle where Trent reaches into his pants pocket to get a credit card. We hardly see this angle.
    ACOL/Camera - ???

    Hitting and turning the camera:

    Equipment dealer

    Goods and ships dealers
    entity_name=“Camera_Ship_Wide” or “Camera_wide”,

    Ship dealer (in a separate script)

    Calculating the matrix:

    I do this with 2 programs. In HardCMP, I calculate the coordinates and angle of rotation of NPCs and cameras visually. Next, in the MatrixCalc program, I calculate their rotation angle matrix.
    !!!Just keep in mind that the programs use different coordinate systems.

    Camera viewing direction - Z axis
    Axis Y - up , down
    Axis Z - left, right

    RotX : - up, down
    RotY: - left, right

    Program MatrixCalc

  • For tool-related and client/server plugin development discussion.

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    0x00091b15 this needs testing, but this happens when a object solar has the goto (from jumpgates and jumpholes) on its entry but doesnt have any hardpoints to dock to.

    This offset happened to me when converting a dockeable jumpgate into another thing changing its archetype on System file. It throws when opening the navmap

  • A read-only archive of the old Xoops forums. If you’d like a topic to be moved from the archive into the live forums, please let us know.

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    Hey Glock36

    Greetings from the TSP Event Manager my name is XxSARGExX and your mod has not been forgotten.

    On the Starport Discord, we are hosting an Event Series called “Regulancer”. This Series will take place each last full weekend of the month and we are doing server events, Showcasing, or Playing Mods, and streaming it live on YouTube or Twitch.

    We also hosted an Asylum51 Server for a short period to enjoy your mod ones again 🙂

    Sadly the full VOD is gone but I still have some funny clips from the event on Twitch

    Clip 01: https://clips.twitch.tv/LaconicCreativeSandwichVoHiYo-fvrblYy2rdTNrCQi

    Clip 02: https://clips.twitch.tv/SplendidDreamyTarsierBIRB-YbDP5bAUH7boIrc1

    there are more but these two were the fastes i could grab on

    you should check out the TSP Discord, we are putting lots of effort into reviving the Freelancer community and have achieved a lot this year