Freelancer Support

Community fueled support for in-game issues and technical support.
504 Topics 4.1k Posts
  • Good Icon Resources??

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    For example we custimized every shield, gun, turret etc button for 1.8 and not only new we have different gun and turret icon for every ship class.
    All of these pictures are 100% made by members of our community as all of these turret and gun icon are screenshots from models made by other members of our team.
    But if u only need pictures try out:

    There are hundrets of other sides providing free content with licensed that only say none comercial use u just need to google them.

  • I need some help

    0 Votes
    8 Posts

    perfectly fine

  • FLServer and Windows 7

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Ah of course thats why Sushi’s worked for me I had it the other way round…

    1.1 patch installed but IPv6 enabled - thanks for the info 🙂

  • Direct Connect Issue

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    umm… woulda been real great to know about that!.. 😘

    Ive been waiting for days for the forum to reappear… lolz
    sending me batty(er) i tell ya…

    so its all back up guys? 😉

  • Help for a new boy (Old timer ;-) )

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Thanks for you help I’ll give it a go ;D

  • Few questions from a newby.

    0 Votes
    19 Posts

    Yup, characters are server-specific. The way FL handles char files also stores ship loadout, factions, and a few other things. These change from server to server, so it causes problems when things listed in your save do not exist on that server’s mod.

  • CD Lite Error

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Nope, XP 32bit Home Edition, SP3

  • Hey there- Questions from a newbie -

    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Scanner have to be made buyable first 😉
    (And created if I am not mistaken)
    In normal FL you mine by shooting the very small pieces of asteroids all over your screen while being in a field.

  • "Redlag"

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    I too am experiencing this problem, on several servers. Among the affected servers are the Hamburg Vanilla server, the 88 Flak server and the BSG server.

    It ONLY happens in some systems, after creating a character and jumping/undocking to those systems. For example:

    On 88 Flak, create a character. Go to any of the house homes (new Londer, New York, etc.) and it redlags. BUT, I can go to a backwater like “Unknown” start and it’s fine. However, if I come back the next day, it’s also fine.

    I’m not sure about the Hamburg server, as I never bothered with that again. The BSG server I just started today, so I can’t tell you yet.

    However, it’s a VERY strange “redlag”. I can SEE everything happening. I can read the chat, I can see people fighting, I even get the “FTL Available” on BSG. But I can’t intereact. I shoot something, nothing happens. No chat or commands works. I can’t dock. I can just fly around while my ship, server-side, sits where I undocked at 😕

    Any suggestions?

  • FL Server Manager Advice

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    I forgot about FLSM, the chap at Colours Elite is very easy to talk to and helpful.

    uuuuuhh… that didn’t read very well, on second reading! – I don’t mean you other server-manager proggers aren’t, of course!! 😄

  • Clear instructions

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    A “Useful Links” section at the top of the forum is your friend. If your forum doesn’t support creating a links section directly, just create a new forum category at the top with “subforums” that actually just link to various topics of interest - that’s what I did with the Flak Forums, as that’s just running a simple PhpBB forum, and it’s worked out great.

    Edit: Yeah, a link to FLMM in your mod download section never hurt either. That way someone can just be pointed to that topic and everything they need will be right there.

  • What function keys are not used by freelancer

    0 Votes
    5 Posts


    ALT-F4 is availeble as well ;D

    Just tested. Works indeed.

  • INstallation issues

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    I copied the game several time instead of installing it - You still get the requiered reg entrys. (Multiplayer ID…)

  • Run a 2nd Freelancer instance?

    0 Votes
    17 Posts


    … now you got me wracking my ole brain to remember to the name of the two primary “Packet Switch” networks we used to hop as a gateway to get to a BBS in a far away city without that big phone bill. … My dear wife made the foolish mistake of buying me on our first anniversary a blistering fast 1200buad modem…

    BTW, Glad to see someone has the patience to still use Windows 98SE for gaming. But with Freelancer and MOD’s you will have issues with DLL referenced “Infocard” descriptions on the larger MODs.  Names and Descriptions will start to come back with only “IDS” where text should be.

    Well, I never found out how to “hop” a gateway, but I remember having an out-of-date list of such, and trying to explore their command structure. I think 1 of them was GTE. (Your wife sounds like a keeper. She gave you a modem, not a tie?!)

    I really do think there are a lot more Win98 users out here than people think. The whole XP activation/registration fiasco turned off a lot of people. Though I can understand Micro$uck$ reasoning, it was way too “big brother” for many people’s taste. And while I don’t spend a lot of time in forums, when I Google around on various topics, I see a great many “Your problem relates to Vista…”. As a demographic, I think we are ignored because we are seen as cheap Luddites, and the developers are pushed into keeping up with the ‘latest, greatest’.

    While I have dl’d a few interesting looking mods, I haven’t yet installed any, so yes, I understand there may be issues. I’ll worry about that later.

    BUT, let me get back to the topic:

    M0tah, I contacted Jason Hood regards FLHack. His answer:

    “Yeah, I never thought anyone would still be running Win9X. I have just put up a new version on my site which should now run in that environment.”

    A very responsive gentleman. The new version works on my Win98SE. For any one interested, the link for FLHack v1.33 is here:

    So, to summarize the state of this thread:

    It is possible to run 2 instances of Freelancer on one machine by,
    a) Hex editing offset 0x1e6dcc of the Freelancer.exe, replacing “F” with 0x00
    b) Using FLHack, by Jason Hood

    If FLHack returns the error,
    “A device attached to the system is not functioning.”
    “The FLHACK.EXE file is linked to missing export SHELL32.DLL:SHGetFolderPathW.”,
    you need to update FLHack to v1.33.

    There is a wealth of useful information in

    Running 2 (or more) instances is primarily a testing environment.

    There are knowledgeable, patient, helpful people roaming around this site.

    There are a lot of crazy old coots roaming around this site.

    Thank you, Motah, Grey Wolf, Lancer Solurus, StarTrader, foxUnit01. You’re pretty good guys (or gals, who knows?).

    I would guess that “officially” finalizes the topic. So, if anyone cares to, feel free to spin off on other tangents.

    foxUnit, I believe you are maintaining the “Limit Breaking” thread? Any interest in my putting it into a spreadsheet, and making it available? I’m planning to do it anywy, for my own use. If so, any thing you’d like to see in it?

  • Connecting to servers

    0 Votes
    28 Posts

    sorted it out went for a different mod with direct connect already installed

  • Kind-of stupid question but…

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • .TXM file

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    UTF editor m8… version 1_0_0_4

    copy your desired .TXM somewhere safe (good to place in UTF file under a temp work file)
    open it in UTF… and extract the “lowest” MIP, ie: MIP0

    here’s the “trick”… follow me using beam.txm…

    Ok now open and branched in UTF… we see the Texture libary tree.
    there should be a few branches of the tree… we’ll go with the first…

    expand code_beam and you’ll see MIP 0-6 highlight MIP0 and hit “extract”…
    now if its a .dds… you’ll see .dds in the ASCII box… If its a .tga that first box will be blank (normaly)
    on my pc its a .tga… so after hitting “extract” we name the file “code_beam.tga”

    you should now have a .tga of the .txm called in the FX… there’s a few more things to do before getting it back ingame
    after altering… .dds conversion / Re-miping (as i call it lol) as all those “smaller” MIPS were the same but smaller in size… you could extract all them… do the same to all… and replace with no worries but its easyer and more efficient to “consolidate” them into a MIPMAPED .dds

    But you just wanted to know how to extract… how there re-imported is a matter of preference and workflow…
    so i wont get into how i do things (lol) … hope this helped… Sory for the mess 😛

  • Typing Hearts in-game (weird characters)

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    Hi Menace,

    I can’t speak to anything past Win98, but you don’t need to change anything.

    To test:

    open any kind of text editor if the option is available, choose a font
    (the most interesting is the old DOS termiinal font)
    3a) While HOLDING DOWN the “Alt” key, type a 3-digit number between 000-255 on the keypad
    3b) Release the “Alt” key

    The alphanumeric character of that font represented by the number should appear in yor text line in the editor. Not all characters in a font will necessarily display.


    While holding down the “Alt” key, press “0” on the keypad, then a number 3-digit number (000-255) and release the “Alt” key and you can get alternative alphnumerics in many fonts.

    This is built into windows, but may not work with all games and apps. For Freelancer, find the font used in the Chat window, set that font in a text document, type each number, 1 at a time (trust me, I know it’s tedious), save it and you’ll have a reference.

    Hope this helps

  • Widescreen/HDMI

    0 Votes
    12 Posts

    Well in theory I should get rid of the distortion when using the differnt fov values. I set the WinCamera back to the default value, which sets the HUD back into the position it was in before the changes… which isn’t perfect but better for actual playing since the player’s names can be identified again 🙂

  • 0 Votes
    9 Posts

    ok i myself test anti virus programs bit deffender works as with anvir anti virus also ad aware aniversy edition free works all this tested on my vista computer that i am using right now