Itano Circus
Just thought I’d mention - I dunno if you got the IM or not, but I finally got around to watching the IC stress test video - and I was completely blown away. Honestly, I was a bit ashamed that I hadn’t watched it until today - you have managed to put anything and everything that fits the rule of cool into your Capital Ship battles, from the turbolaser sounds to the crazy ambient explosions/flak and super anime-styled missiles flying everywhere in the fighter skirmishes. It certainly has a lot of flair to it. I still have the zip waiting to be played, so this weekend we’re going to have to see how IC holds up in multiplayer. XD
so this weekend we’re going to have to see how IC holds up in multiplayer. XD
That is most certainly something I would love to be part of
right, lets all set up a hamachi network this weekend and play itano circus
I think this could be a very popular mod, VERY popular… perhaps even the saving grace of FL itself - although when FW 2.0 comes out its gonna have some serious competition
Eh, there’s no competition since we’re appealing to two very different universes. Also, I don’t really like competition between mods as it stops innovations and ideas from being shared which can help improve the FL community as a whole. Why has done an amazing job with this mod, and he’s been extremely kind to show how he did what he did. I can only hope that FWs, and another other ground breaking mods, for that matter, can do the same.
Hey come on just a little joke there sushi, lighten the tone - healthy competition helps people to work towards something better, it’s competition that keeps the human race going forward, if no-one ever looked at a car and thought I can make one better than that guy did we’d still be driving those 2 MPH cars where you have to wind the engine
If Renault weren’t competing with Ford for the safest car no serious innovations in car safety would’ve been made
If NASA weren’t competing with Russia no research into space travel would’ve been made, although this is just FL modding and we aren’t changing the universe (at least not in the RL sense lol) it’s always good to look and something and try as hard as you can to go one better
That’s not competition, that’s awesomeness. Seriously, we aren’t here (I hope) to compete, but instead to provide a fun, genuinely interesting place for people to play in! Whichever mod you decide isn’t the “best”, it’s just your favorite. The point of mods is to make it so everyone has something that suits him or her, not to make a gazillion copies of the same thing and then try to compete for the small market for it.
Sorry perhaps M$ has infected my brain - but on an off topic note hands up if you all thought “compete for the small market” is something FF would NEVER say… don’t be shy raise those hands
If anyone is interested I am currently running a server. Get on Hamachi server “itanocircus” password “ic”
Server name is “rq35gd”, no password. In case your wondering, my server names come from me smashing the keyboard.
[Edit] Server down. Learned a lot. The singleplayer side of the game works just fine. However multiplayer has issues. These will be looked at.
bro your mod is deffinately mind blowing it puts freelancer on another level. i love the way the missles sound fantastic. Snake Plisskin gives this mod two thumbs up. this mod is snake plisskin approved ;D
yeh the missile models and the smoke ETC… ITS AWESOME DAMNIT!
Military experts are calling this OMGOMGOMGWTF THIS IS REALLY FUCKING COOL.
i used your video to promote your mod on my site ok
hey Why, got the MP part of Itano Circus working
just had to update the newcharacter.ini file with info from your mod instead of stuff from vanilla FL
just need to reach you to give you the updated version
seems to work fine in MP now -
Excellent Mod!
What exactly was the fix in newcharacter.ini?
The only issues I have been having with the server is random crashes.
What version/updates are you running your server with for Itano?
Once I can get it stable I will definitely be opening up an IC server for those interested in getting some MP going.
From what I can gather after talking to darkmarauder, it was a unique issue likely caused by an FLMM deactivation error of a previous mod. I already had a modified newcharacter.ini for the mod that works fine. If there are any problems (which there are, as unfortunately the mod is somewhat unstable in multiplayer), they are not related to this file.
it could be possible that I need a newer version of the mod too
not sure why I never thought of that before -
I checked the link from the flak forums and it indeed does bring me to a flawed file for Itano Circus
it looks for a package called ge_fighter which doesn’t exist in the goods.ini file
I did a bunch of checking and found it should read lf_package for the correct starting ship for MP -
[Package] nickname = ge_fighter strid_name = 11051 strid_desc = 11551 ship = li_fighter loadout = MP_ge_fighter money = 12500 [Faction] nickname = new_player rep_group = co_ic_grp base = Li01_01_Base Package = ge_fighter Pilot = trent
This is the relevant code from the newcharacter.ini. The [Faction] is calling for a package named ge_fighter. It is true that this is not defined in goods.ini. It is not defined in goods.ini because the ge_fighter [Package] its looking for is defined right above the [Faction] that is calling it. The [Package] makes all valid references. I do not see the problem.