Constructive criticism is good, sabotage is bad
CF is down to 8.7 with totally 129 votes now so i assume that the crap rating is not over yet
the MOTY scores are not published except the top5 … moddb didnt even release the top100 ranking of MOTY 2007 (just which mods managed to be in the top100 but not the position or the number of votes)
based on the MOTY voting system where old members have more influence then short term members or guests the number of votes does not really matter but the quality of the vote does
on the right side of every mod site (released mods only)
I know it wont be as “grand”… but i think u guys/gals should start your own FL-MOTY award…
Kinda like the “emmys” lol… at least that way its “legit” and from the community… and (hopefully)
fair… i know im a dev… and i play everyone else’s mods… and i love em… we could also vote on
“best new breakthough” and start a “hall of fame” to honor long lost (but never forgotern) mods… sniff sniff…Just a thought… i have many… just wanted to share this one
I think that would be a great idea, personally. There really can be many different areas to have “awards” in. I think it would be fun.
And this “rating warfare” is stupid. Sorry to hear you got hit too, OPR8R
indeed a nice idea
about one year ago i have build some kind of mod database for my site where mod creators can present their work… unfortunatly I didnt have the time to improve it during the past year and it was not used (even I ignored it all the time ^^)but it would be possible to create such a presentation for mods that could be included into the big FL communities
make it part of the Save FL initiative
to include a vote button or different categories shouldnt be a hard problem thenbut still moddb is important coz we can use it to get new players and promote FL
based on the numbers of visitors FL belongs to the top10 games (which is amazing considering all those new ego shooters) -
hi check this my mod was up 6.9 then it to 3.9 in the last two days. i had 6 votes now i have 8 so it could be the same two people intresting hmmmm.
I think it’s pretty clear now that a few people didn’t like to see FL so high in the ratings and decided to down us all out of spite. It’s impossible that every single mod has been tried and hated all the sudden by a few people… I’m pretty sure some modders for other games may want less high-ranked competition.
In any case, I read people would be interested in FL-MOTY awards. To be honest, we already thought about it but did not want to create any sort of jealousy between mod developers. We didn’t know how people would react if their mod wasn’t elected (after all, I think it’s fair to say that everyone thinks his or her own mod is the best or by the best and it is perfectly logical to assume so). It’s also pretty hard to do such things since for the most part the mods with the largest communities would immediately have an advantage over growing and smaller ones.
However, I’m throwing the question out there: with all this considered, would you still want that? It’d be a pleasure for us to organise such things, but we won’t do so if the community here does not want to. We can also do things like “Mod of the Week” or “Mod of the Month” or even a simple “Mod Spotlight” which would probably be better for FL as I think yearly contests are too far between. It’d also help give smaller mods advertising as the mod spotlight could be random.
I’m throwing ideas at you all here; what would you want to see?
I think a mod spotlight would be good, It doesn’t say the mod is the best it just advertises its features and a little insight on who created it
right - that sounds better
Mod spotlight gets my vote, excellent idea
me too
Love the spotlight idea, it’s fair, will offer variety and also much needed advertising to those smaller mods
Great idea Nightstalker
(Thanks OPR8T, still not sure I can find it lol, but I tells me I voted so it registered somewhere)
Why don’t we just create a mod on ModDB, changing just one thing in Freelancer, such as, ermm I don’t know, say the SDK or something along those lines, technically it is a mod, and if we all voted for it, we could get it into the ModDB top 100. IDK just giving an idea of what we could do.
And I like the sound of Mod Spotlight. -
The Idea was thrown around when we discussed a SP Newsletter idea.
I loved the idea then to be honest, so it gets my vote.
YUP - 'spotlight’ gets my vote 2. ;D
Agreed. Spotlight = money shot ;D
Didn’t expect such an overwhelmingly positive reply to the idea of a mod spotlight feature ;D
I’ll draft up a post about it so a proper discussion can start on the subject without hijacking other threads…
Just want to reply something to OPs posting:
Edit: Oh and the MOTY rules say that votes are getting checked and fake votes get removed (just in case that someone is doing fake votes)
I personally suggest to mail the MOD DB team that they should check that - And fake votes are especially ones created by muli-accounts, ask them about comparing the IPs and mail adresses registered with.