Gentlemen there is a problem with the avg update and freelancer
I agree, Juni crap, that is too low.
Based on Friendlyfires recommendation I downloaded and installed Avira…
Apart from the annoying red umbrella in the corner of my vision, it works really well. Thanks mate.
??? i have a problem ???
i got rid of AVG … installed Commodo… and now i cant play FL on anyserver…
I can do anything else though… even my steam acc and games all work fine and online… without any prior setup…FL was the only game i setup in the antiV with ports and servers and all the things one should do with a antivirus and firewall with FL… umm any help?? its starting to feel as is “something” is trying to kill FL multiplayer ATM… with so many ppl being afected all at once… or mabye thats just my suspicious nature agian hehe… either way… im grounded and it aint no fun…
What exactly did you allow in Commodo? I believe this includes both an a/v and a firewall, correct? You made sure to deactivate any other firewall and to open ALL the ports (2300-2400)? You double-checked if the Direct IP you’re using hasn’t changed/you have a GLS workaround (Crazy’s or w0dk4’s) installed?
GIve us more details so we can try to help
I got it to work… by eradicating commodo ??? of my HD…
;D yep did all the port and permissions… it just didn’t like FL… even after telling it (AV&FW) “everythings safe”…
i also rolled back my last Update… might have helped as well… i dunno … all i know is i’m able to fly agian… and thats good enough for me lol.Thanks anyhoos… and sry the for the Juni thing hehe didn’t mean to enorage them
it seemed (at the time) like the thread had died… ;D
Older versions of Zonealarm firewall also used to do this. I can still remember that red-icon of death from years ago
I really can’t see all the trouble everyone here is having with AVG. Since I switched from Zone Pro to Avg, I’ve not seen any of what you’re posting here happen to me. It works great for me and has done a great job catching trojans and other unwanted, creeping things trying to screw my system up.
I’ve set my ports for Freelancer and everything is working fine in the area as well.
I only have the free version and with that, I have to manually update it myself most of the time but still, I can join any Freelancer server I wish to game on.
I used MalwareBytes and Windows Defender for Spy/MaleWare and my system is running great. I also am using a VMWare program and it’s running ClamWare and have never had a problem with that either.I have no solutions but many of the products offered here will work for you. Just remember, anything that is offered for free has to be kept updated more or less by you, you can’t always depend on automatic updates for them. That’s for those who pay.
As for AVG, you should really go to their update page to see what is ready for it.
Comodo - what setting did you have? Could set the firewall to “training mode” and then start FL. It’ll require permissions to be granted, try alt-tabbing in game. If no luck, then you can define a new trusted application, then navigate to Freelancer.exe file. Be warned, it may be a pain if the version number changes (dunno, not played FL in a long time now).
Avira is awesome as an anti virus, however, comodo’s anti virus is pants. Just use it for Defence+ and the firewall. If you find Defence+ a bit verbose, make the setting “training” as well for a while before turning it back up to “Clean PC” mode.
I use those two in conjunction (Avira and Comodo Firewall - again, not comodo anti-virus as it’s reputedly rubbish at the present point in time). I’ve now also got Windows Defender as well, nothing like having a bit extra around tbh.
… the Comodo firewall is a bit tricky.
You should keep in mind, that the rules
work from top 2 bottom of the rules list- and new entries are added on top of it.
So newly add a more global ‘block it’ entry and it won’t come down
in the list 2 the entry, which allows the stuff you want.Had some ‘fun’ with that.
you really cant delete comodo once its on there.