HUD editing
Would u mind telling me where u found the download?
Need the linky for a friend… -
i clicked it so hard i felt time and space move O_O
it also dont load properly for me HOW AWESOME
and its my own damn tut
No purty pics, I’m bored ::)
Here’s the topic i found the new link, but it works no longer after the new v2.0 arrived.
Where it has gone to…?
shadow wrote:
Somebody know which file i have to modify to change the color of the red cross you have to shoot at?Guess what u’re searching is in the mouse.ini
shadow wrote:
In the interface folder is only the buttontextures.txm and when i open it with photoshop there is a cross but there is no color in it.So it must be in an other file.Switch to the Alpha Channel in channels… There’s the colors
Sorry… I did remember wrong! Go to the Screens folder and open up cursor.txm, export the tga and there they are!
shadow wrote:
sry but i doesn´t mean the fadecross.I mean the little red cross where you must shoot at to hit the enemy.DAMNIT trust me its in the mouse.ini in the data folder at last the colours are defined there!!!
Edit: U want prove? Take the mouse ini from my New Universe mod into your installation and your cross will appear in different blue collors all the time!!!
i download the mod new universe 1.7 but when i overwrite your ini with my ini there is again the little red cross.Yeah the arrow is blue and the fadecross is red too but the little red cross didn´t change.Maybe there is a newer version but i ddint found it