Help with Encounters in general
Howdy y’all.
I was wondering if anyone who knows about NPC’s can assist me with telling me what each bit means, I’m trying to add ships to the game and I’m just getting a headache at the moment.
In Missions/Encounters, what does each line mean? (Taken from the battleships encounters mod)
ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_destroyers
pilot_job = assault_leader_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_gunboats
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_fighters
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
formation = destroyer_gunboat_fighter
behavior = wander
arrival = cruise
longevity = 50
allow_simultaneous_creation = false
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite
permutation = 0, 3In faction_prop.ini, where do these lines link to?
npc_ship = Bretonia_Gunboat
npc_ship = Bretonia_Destroyer
npc_ship = Bretonia_Battleship
formation = gunboats, gunboat_wall
formation = destroyers, destroyer_wall
formation = battleships, battleship_wallIn Formations.ini, what does this mean? Positions of ships compared to the center point? Is the number of lines the number of ships in the ‘fleet’?
nickname = battleship_wall
pos = 0, 0, 0
pos = 400, 0, 0
pos = -400, 0, 0
pos = 0, 200, 0
pos = 400, 200, 0
pos = -400, 200, 0
pos = 400, 0, 0
pos = 400, 200, 0
pos = 0, -200, 0
pos = 400, -200, 0
pos = -400, -200, 0
pos = 400, -200, 0
pl_pos = 0, 0, 500Why is there battleship_wall and not cruiser_wall or gunboat_wall?
NPC_Ships.ini, what does each line mean?
nickname = Bretonia_Gunboat
loadout = Bretonia_Gunboat_Loadout
level = d19
ship_archetype = br_gunboat
pilot = gunboat_default
state_graph = GUNBOAT
npc_class = lawful, class_gunboat, d19shipclasses.ini, what do these mean?
nickname = sc_destroyers
member = class_destroyerWhich bits are re-usable for other patrols? Do I need a brand new INI file in Missions/Encounters for each new patrol?
Apologies for all the questions, I hope someone can help.
Go find “trying to understand encounters” pdf by buck danny(should be in the downloads).
It has some mistakes but not crucial unless you are going hex edit patrols etc.A very useful thing. Almost all the answers you’ll find there.
In Missions/Encounters, what does each line mean? (Taken from the battleships encounters mod)
ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_destroyers ;<– adds 1 to 1 ships (=1) of the class sc_destroyers to the formation, see **
pilot_job = assault_leader_job ;<– job the destroyer gets
make_class = wanderer ;<-- behavior = wander encounters usually have this
ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_gunboats
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_fighters
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
formation = destroyer_gunboat_fighter ;<-- the used formation from formations.ini, usually ‘formation_by_class = …’ is used, then the specific formation from faction_prop.ini is used, see *
behavior = wander ;<– the fomation will wander around in the zone it is assigned to, there are also ‘trade’ and ‘patrol’
arrival = cruise ;<-- formation will arrive in cruise, there are also things like ‘all’ or ‘object_jump_gate’
longevity = 50 ;<-- time until they dock/cruise away/… I think
allow_simultaneous_creation = false ;<-- if the encounter may be created more then once in the same time interval
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite ;<-- maximum number of times the encounter may be created I think, never tried…
permutation = 0, 3 ;<– theres always one Creation block for every EnconterFormation block in the ini. In this case it means: the encounter is created every third time interval with zero intervals delayIn faction_prop.ini, where do these lines link to?
npc_ship = Bretonia_Gunboat ;<– reference to a npcship in npcships.ini
npc_ship = Bretonia_Destroyer
npc_ship = Bretonia_Battleship
formation = gunboats, gunboat_wall ;<–* reference to a formation in formation.ini, this one will be used by all encounters of this faction that use ‘formation_by_class = gunboats’
formation = destroyers, destroyer_wall
formation = battleships, battleship_wallIn Formations.ini, what does this mean? Positions of ships compared to the center point? Is the number of lines the number of ships in the ‘fleet’?
Exactly, they are the positions of the ships measured from the leader (the first ship in a encounter.ini).
‘pl_pos’ is the player position when you join the formationWhy is there battleship_wall and not cruiser_wall or gunboat_wall?
no idea - write them yourself if you need them…
NPC_Ships.ini, what does each line mean?
nickname = Bretonia_Gunboat ;<– the nickname used in faction_prop.ini
loadout = Bretonia_Gunboat_Loadout ;<-- the equipment the npc has, defined in ships\loadouts.ini
level = d19 ;<-- the level shown in the game, should be inside the npc_class range
ship_archetype = br_gunboat ;<-- the ship that is used, from shiparch.ini
pilot = gunboat_default ;<-- the pilot, from pilots_population.ini
state_graph = GUNBOAT ;<-- behavior from state_graph.db, leave it…
npc_class = lawful, class_gunboat, d19 ;<-- is lawful, is a gunboat (see **), is difficulty 19shipclasses.ini, what do these mean?
nickname = sc_destroyers ;<– **this is called in the encounter inis if you want to have a destroyer in it, then…
member = class_destroyer ;<-- …npcships with ‘class_destroyer’ in ther npc_class are usedWhich bits are re-usable for other patrols? Do I need a brand new INI file in Missions/Encounters for each new patrol?
You need a new encounter file for every new type of formation you want to have. As example: 5-members-fighter-squads would need a new file…
Quarks wrote:
permutation = 0, 3 ;<– theres always one Creation block for every EnconterFormation block in the ini. In this case it means: the encounter is created every third time interval with zero intervals delayNo.
This is a probability of the encounter formation to occur.
ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters_capitals
pilot_job = assault_leader_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 2, 3, sc_fighters, -1
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
formation_by_class = fighters
behavior = wander
arrival = all, -object_jump_gate, -tradelane
allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite[EncounterFormation]
ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters_capitals
pilot_job = assault_leader_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 2, 3, sc_fighters, -1
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
formation_by_class = fighters
behavior = wander
arrival = all, -object_jump_gate, -tradelane
allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
zone_creation_distance = 0
times_to_create = infinite[Creation]
permutation = 0, 3
permutation = 1, 1In this case 1 formation will occur in 3/(1+3) = 75%, second formation in 1/(1+3) = 25%
Any numbers(second numbers) can be used in permutation.
You got the idea
Get yourself the pdf I wrote about, there is a nice table.
I think this tut is meaning.
understand encounters