CMP to SUR Conversion Tests
Wow. Incredible, LS. Congrats on this accomplishment!
Thx, I am currently testing it on a new update of my mod of the 15 most flown ships. So far no crashes and everything seems to working as it should. I will be releasing a test version within a couple of days for you guys to play with.
Ello ello ello…
I finally got to see the video…
Why ship not blow up, B’wana?
And pls don’t forget we need shield bubble for small ships pls?
Or - do we?
And no sur where a ship has long booms with empty space between?
**Hehe, I got a pair of scissors waiting on you…
The ship didnt blow up because I used a shatter fuse on a single component mesh which doesnt destroy it, just makes it shatter.
Shield bubble, that will be later but from testing there is no need for it. It will be an optional feature.
Empty spaces are not handled yet, I will have to learn how to do Delaney triangulation to do that. What I will be releasing is a test version only and still has a problem with faces inside of the hull on some models. This can be allieviated to some degree by adjusting the duplicate points radius but a good fix has not been implemented yet. Also only a whole mesh sur is currently supported, nothing more.
So far though, everything seems to be functional.**
Well, so far, it’s awesome. I know I’m going to have great use for this for FW:ToW. Thanks for working on this project so hard, LS. It will revolutionize FL as we know it.
**OK, here is the first test version. Feel free to give your thoughts on it. I would like to thank Aodxa for his help in figuring out the unknown parts of the sur file. Also Freindly Fire for testing it earlier and suggesting a fix and the ‘recalc’ addition. Also for those pushing me to get this project completed that have posted in this thread.
Click here to download 0.001 of the FL Sur Builder
Make sure you backup your mod files before playing with this tool, you may need to put your original sur files back in. All sur files are output into the ‘Output’ folder.**
(ST leaps out from the shadows and grabs the file before it hits the ground…
… too tired to try it immediately he rushes to the vault and deposits the file, tripping over his beard and coming a right cropper just in front of the doorway…)
The Ragnarok ship from Final Fantasy seems to have no sur generated. Can upload the cmp if needed.
Forgot to mention to adjust the distance setting for very small ships. Usually they require 0.1 for the radius or smaller. A setting of 0 turns it off. I’ve also noticed funny named vmeshdata’s can cause problems such as | in the name. It can’t save out the name properly in that case. That will be fixed by the next update. Feel free to send me the file and I will see what’s going on with it.
i tested a little this morning and it’s allready great LS
big big big thx
not as accurate than when we do it by hands but it’s allready a lot better than old methods and very simple./me hopes LS can make myself unemployed
I’ve been running tests on this all day. Since this is a beta atm, and seeing as we talked about this earlier today LS, i think everyone whose tried this will agree its a huge improvement over any other method used so far. Firstly, planetary surs. Oh hell yes, these are now truly round as they should be. The converter seems quite happy if the sur is for a ship, piece of equipment, a solar, they all seem to work fine.
These surs gift wrap awkward ship models and until the Delaney triangulation part of it is perfected, none of us will get figure hugging surs on odd shaped models, i’m thinking Enterprise, Tie fighters etc. Once LS has perfected that, i’m sure that will change, fingers crossed.
I tried to make new surs for Aldeberans modular station pack and succeeded in about 90% of the models so that’s a major plus for those of us that use those.
Hat’s off to a superb tool and a real thankyou from me and anyone else whose tried to make a sur and just started screaming uncontrolably when they didn’t work. Hotly anticipating the next update. Have a drink on me LS, you fully deserve it :pint:
I don’t think there’s any better way to make convex SURs now. Amazing job LS
I’ll hold off on testing until it can handle multi-component SURs, as those are what all of the ships in my mod will be using. Nevertheless, the general consensus seems to be that this is the next Big Thing.
Indeed. Just a support for the groups in the cmp and this tool will open horizons unseen. This thing is just - revolutionary.
**It’s taken alot of work just to get it to this point. I still have a bit of work to get it further along.
The hull builder part already has ‘by group and texture’ hull creation ability. I simply disabled that part (forced whole mesh only) since the sur builder isn’t capable of using those hulls yet. At this time I needed widespread testing of the whole hull sur to make sure it worked across multiple mods and models.
The faces inside of the hull problem is known but if you find any other problems please post about it here…**
Gibbon wrote:
II tried to make new surs for Aldeberans modular station pack and succeeded in about 90% of the models so that’s a major plus for those of us that use those.Mirkha, from the FW:ToW Development team has re-hitboxed all the Aldebaran’s Modular Station II pack. If you want them, let me know
i thought i have allready post it …
well the modules with new hitbox are here :
i want to upload on the download section but it doesn’t work for me.
Lancer Solurus wrote:
The faces inside of the hull problem is known but if you find any other problems please post about it here…
Hi Lancer,
Impressively amazing work by all accounts, my thanks as always.
Sorry haven’t had time so far to test it myself, been busy coughing and sneezing everywhere, now the 4th week. Gurrrgghhh!!
What is this problem you are describing above?
The sur file creator works perfectly for me, already tested with a couple of models.
As for the mentioned problem, I can make a guess: the app generates the convex sur model, but it places a triangle or two inside of the convex shrinkwrap it builds, rendering the sur useless. This was extremely common with the Milkshape sur exporter’s shrinkwrap option… While that made this error 99% of the time, making all the surs built with it useless, LS’s sur creator probably has only a 1% error rate. Note, I have not encountered this with LS’s tool.My only complaint is that once I load a cmp to generate a sur the app consumes 100% CPU power (together with task manager, for some strange reason. That is, the cpu usage of fl_sur_builder and taskmgr add up to 100%, with taskmgr often at ridiculously high percentages unseen when the tool is not running), and a good 380 MBs of RAM usage. When exiting, the tool often takes a very long time to disappear from the process list, but can be killed manually anytime.
==> Please do not bother yourself with this. Others probably don’t have it, I can live with it, and I’d rather you not spend any energy on this. Waiting for the multi-part compatibility
This tool is genius.