The-Starport FLServer ?
So, I’ve been thinking about this a little… seeing that we are mainly a developer centered site, maybe we can draw in some more players to this site by running an flserver.
Now, we dont want to get in competition with other servers, thats why I had the idea to make mod-months (tied to the hopefully sometime coming Mod-Spotlight feature), where there is one specific mod played at the server. Of course, only if the mod allows it (has open server files), and there would be no special rules, just so you can get to know a mod. Maybe start with increased funds, since progress is wiped every month anyways.
Another idea would be to run a plain v1.1 vanilla Freelancer server, out of dedication for the game.
What do you think?
Modded server is a great idea, but instead of the spotlight feature the players should be allowed to vote for the mod. I think it is a great oppertunity to play many mods but with sticking with all the people you play with.
Also, one thing to consider for the developers, this is surely also a great chance to advertise your server modification - Therefore you might want to allow your modification which you won’t otherwise. Plus it is just for a short time, so it won’t really harm you (I think it even benefits you more like people will do mouth propraganda (“Eh, I played this mod at T SP server and it is great! Have to play it more! MORE! MOAAARRRRRRRR!!! What’s the server ip, btw?”)
I don’t see a reason why T SP shouldn’t host a FL server, if it has the ressources to do so.
BUt I need to get FL running with my system
Mod-months with increased starter funds… what a creative idea, w0dk4!
I love it… for several reasons. In addition to keeping theStarport mod-neutral and show-casing a variety of mods, this idea could have extra advantages over traditional servers:
Novelty – People are naturally attracted to new and different things. Changing the mod every month means a constant stream of novelty.
Limit the overwhelming dominance of clans – Clans are both good and bad. The bad part is that most servers quickly develop one or two super-clans that dominate the rest of the players, which lowers the fun for newbies and independents. But new and fresh players are an important part of bringing fun to the game, so dominant clans are self-defeating in the long run. By changing the game frequently, you reduce the effect of dominant players or groups.
Also, the advantage will rotate, because some players will be more familiar with one mod than another.
Excellent idea.
Yes I’d go with changing mods, every month or two perhaps?
Since the admins are clued, it would be good to set start ship and funds to mid-way ones to avoid a month wasted just getting the first million credits.
Great idea.
What about instead of a mod of the month ordeal, we actually release a mod that’s sanctioned/supported by the administrators of The Starport?
Imagine if you will a mod that’s fairly easy to develop and maintain that players can easily jump into, have some fun shooting at one another to unwind after the day, then coordinate to jump into their favorite mod? Almost Arcade in its design.
It’s ease-of-entry would be encouraging to players to actually jump into the mod head first, meet some new friends, and maybe even discuss some new mods between deaths.
The overall design of the modification, which would have Starport’s name on it, would allow for it to be pushed out of production quickly and with few team members, as well as ease of balance and feature implementation. Not a lot of work for a potentially really fun game and social networking tool.
To help promote mods at the same time, why not allow for a billboard that changes every week or two and features specific modifications for a short period of time?
Just an idea that I thought would be good for the Starport overall.
Nope, that would put the StarPort into a “rut”, or force them to make their own mod, and that would take a lot of effort and need updating and so on.
Not a good idea.
The first idea is much better. It can be every month, 2 months, or 3 months.
If players want to keep playing a particular mod then it can be held for a while longer, or even transferred to another server along with the player files.
Don’t really see the point in you hosting a mod that can be played elsewhere already. This is the hub for the best modding talent that this game has, what would be great is if you all colaberated to make a starport mod. I’m sure it would be pretty special.
I’m not thinking extra systems, bases, ships etc, just ploughing all your graphical and engine advances into making the original look and play as good as it can and let it rip, good old vanilla facelift, probably wouldn’t take long with all the potential here.
I believe that the server in any way for StarPort - it was good. Moreover, there Forge where everyone can add something of his own
I think the idea is a good one what ever way it goes. It would be nice to see some kind of showcase mod though, one that is just plain old FreeLancer just with all the goos stuff the folks on TSP comes up with. Although I think somthing like this would be too hard to maintain. But I still think it would be a cool way to advertise modifications the people around here are making by the bucket load. Just a thought but like I said the concept from the original post sounds cool.
I think making a Starport exclusive mod, be it only FL enhanced, or a Total Conversion, will just cause too much trouble and in the end may not even turn out to be that great. Every modder has a different vision of the game - which is good.
Another idea would be to make a Freelancer Modders Demonstration mod:
Every mod-team would have one system in which they can show off the typical theme/features of their mod. This way, new players can experience many different mods by actually playing only one. If they want to dig deeper into a specific mod, they still will have to join a specific mod server. -
I much prefer having a unique mod.
It would be very hard to drag people from their own little mod land, to be honest, with another mod that’s already available. What would the point be? If you want to play mod X, go on their server and play it. You’ll get the full experience, not a diluted, diminished one where you’re already full of cash and dry up the mod by getting the best ship and equipment within the first hour.
Most mods around nowadays are designed around experiencing a story, going in a believable and interesting universe. Not messing around with ridiculous amounts of money and nothing better to do than to assault the other guy for no reason.
On top of that, you’d automatically exclude all in-development mods from getting the bonus visibility, which I don’t think is all too fair. Worse, any difference in time and/or coverage would probably get some people to scream “bias”, and to be perfectly honest I’m not interested to deal with this at all.
A unique mod for TSP could be something small, lightweight and designed for pick-up-and-play. Something that has no progression or storyline; think Geometry Wars or Tower Defence. Something that’s simple, easy to grasp, quick to build and fun. Even better, that would be the perfect setting for tournaments and a great showcase for modding techniques.
The entire mod could even be documented and commented and released as a full-blown “mod-tutorial”.
Oh and, it’d be a lot less work for all parties involved.
I’d prefer a vanilla with graphical enhancements mod. It’s the fairest but still makes it different than well… vanilla lol.
Yep, i think vannila good choise.
With graphical enhancements, new and unlocked features, web and os server management.
Rp or Pvp - should be controlled by server software.
So player does not think how to play and does not read dozens of pages of server rules -
w0dk4 wrote:
Another idea would be to make a Freelancer Modders Demonstration modFriendlyFire wrote:
The entire mod could even be documented and commented and released as a full-blown “mod-tutorial”.Maybe roll these ideas together?
A showcase developed and documented as a community project would be unique and cool. Assimilating all of the experience here into re-written and organized tutorials would go a long way toward keeping Freelancer interesting for newcomers. It would be good for modders, good for theStarport, and good for players and readers.
Regarding missions, get rid of the vanilla missions, but documentation and show-casing of new “story” missions (through Rumors/News/Wrecks) would be a tremendous asset for the community.
I’m still of the opinion that a small, arcade-style mod would have far more chances of success and would be much more suitable to the kind of environment The Starport is. We’re not looking for RP’ers or a complex story, just having some random fun, taking a break from our common server or getting introduced to the game in a way that’s simple and effective.
I had already thought about the mod demo thing, but I’m afraid the amount of work required would be large from both the different mod teams and TSP’s staff. It’d require constant updating and bugfixing; that’s why I had discarded the idea.
Oh and, vanilla with enhancements is getting old. Why exactly play that when nearly half the big mods do just the same, but much better?
I’m still for the mod-rotation idea, basically it’s the fairest way you can go now. Just vanilla is getting, well… kinda old. With, or without graphics enhancements.
I think the arcade idea is great. I wanted to do this with the Arcade Action FLServer, but kinda failed because of technical limitations back in the day - and lacking users.
As FF said, mod rotation also has its drawbacks.
I think the coolest thing to do would be to merge the showcase demonstration mod and the arcade mod idea. We can start with a vanilla arcade mod (i.e. deathmatch, capture the flag, etc…). Now, if a mod team wants to create a custom “map” (=system) for the mod, they could advertise their mod this way.
I.e. there could be a fw_deathmatch map where the deathmatch is taking place with Freeworlds ships and so on.
i say keep it vanila
it can be used as a meeting place for
the users simple as that
that would be cool lol -
“- Objective: Destroy enemy base to win the round.”
Wow, W0dk4, transfer plz this feature to the future server -
Here’s another simpler suggestion:-
Why not just host Allegiance?