Does anyone claim this picture?
Xarian_Prime wrote:
Im sory to the ppl that know i know better… & at risk of getting in mega S*#T (or temp ban) … im still gonna say it…F.U.C.K. O.F.F.
This was a legit ask where we had “seen” this pic… not who’s getting screwed outa what royaltys… ect
If i was a admin… you’d all be turfed for being so freakin childish & hijacking an otherwise pleasant discussion
Your behavior has offended me to a high calibur, & im rarley offended.
What did I say that was offensive? I’m agreeing with you here. Using copyrighted materials is wrong. When someone’s legally copyrighted intellectual property is being used without permission, that is not okay to do. That’s your stance, isn’t it? That it is not okay to use provably and legally certifiable copyrighted material without the creator’s express permission? Nothing there seems offensive. Why would we argue if we agree?
/v/ ppl… you know exactly what warranted my reply, snide remarks reminding me of a locked thread that was locked for good freakin reason.
now there’s the door… don’t let it hit you in the ass on the way out, & you all hovering over this thread only makes me mad…(er) I despise vultures.
I am quite a civil person… until is see such crap as you lot have spewed forth over the past week… I for one DO NOT welcome your presence here & many others feel the same… expect more “incivilities” to come… but not from me… im done with you lot… Freakin loosers :roll:
Xarian_Prime wrote:
/v/ ppl… you know exactly what warranted my reply, snide remarks reminding me of a locked thread that was locked for good freakin there’s the door… don’t let it hit you in the ass on the way out, & you all hovering over this thread only makes me mad…(er) I despise vultures.
I am quite a civil person… until is see such crap as you lot have spewed forth over the past week… I for one DO NOT welcome your presence here & many others feel the same… expect more “incivilities” to come… but not from me… im done with you lot… Freakin loosers :roll:
Are you still on that? I’m trying to agree with you here. You’re right. Use of legally documented copyrighted material without permission is wrong. Why so angry? Just because the one using the copyrighted material without permission is someone you generally like and agree with rather than someone you don’t?
I’m being courteous here when I don’t have to be. You’ve been quite rude with your “don’t let the door hit you in the ***” and whatnot. For one who makes a claim of civility your demeanor certainly belies an altogether different conclusion.
Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t make a true and factual statement (one that completely agrees with and supports your assertions) hold any less water. Use of legally documented copyrighted material without permission is use of legally documented copyrighted material without permission, even if it is a friend of yours.
BearClaws wrote:
…“Distant Shores” by Christoph Gerber, Copyright 2003…basically yes - but this here will be fan art
(and I m pretty sure, cause Gibbon wouldn’t use copyrighted material).
This is under Creative Commons.
And PS.
No negotiation with terrorists and no discussions with crazy clowns.
FFS. Nice i got dragged into this. It’s a free picture downloadable from here
91683 people have downloaded it from just this site alone. No i haven’t asked permission to use it as it’s a free download. End of discussion.
Thanks for the discussion here, and the name of the author. I emailed him for permission and have received it.
My intent with the original question was to make sure no one from here had already claimed this picture as a load screen for a mod. Seems they have not.
I have have removed my email and a few other links but here is his response.–---------------
Dear Mr. <removed>Thanks for your message. It’s fine if you use my image for non profit purpose, however I would prefer if you could put back the Ge 03 signature on the image.
Christoph----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----
Von: <removed>@<removed>.net
Datum: 05.06.2010 04:25
An: [email protected]Betreff: Request permission to use an imageGreetings Mr. Christoph Gerber,
I am the head modder of a Freelancer Mod called the UnderVerse. We are not-for-profit, for fun only. This is based on the Chronicals of Riddick. Your image Ge 03 is nearly the spitting image for Pitch Black.
Might I have permission to use this as a load screen for our next
release please? It would be modified as follows if you allow it. If
desired we can put back the Ge 03 number and even include your name in the lower right corner. Full credits would go to you in our readme file.
As you can see in our 2.24 version readme file
<removed>I always give credit.Thank you for your consideration!
<removed><removed>DwnUndr</removed></removed></removed>/[email protected]</removed></removed></removed>
Gibbon wrote:
FFS. Nice i got dragged into this. It’s a free picture downloadable from here
91683 people have downloaded it from just this site alone. No i haven’t asked permission to use it as it’s a free download. End of discussion.
As an addition to Dwnundr’s posting, here is the license from the site about this work:
Terms of Use for " Unspecified sci-fi art image "
You may use this image personaly or on your website for recommendation and education purpose only by placing one of the mandatory reference links below. The image cannot be used for any commercial purpose without written consent of the original author. Please contact the artist directly via his/her website in order to obtain a contact information or get any image usage permissions. Email us if you have any other questions.Explains all I guess.
Just because a work is copyrighted it doesn’t mean that you can’t use it at all. If no license given, then the author holds the basic copyright over it, means, you are not allowed to use it without his permission. However, some licenses still give the author copyright, but allow other people to use it. So copyright isn’t simple copyright.
Also, please ALL, and I mean both sides here again, try to stay polite. It is not only about the content you say but also about HOW do you say it.
Bas wrote:
…. about HOW do you say it.So true.
And believe me - so i h8 to get unfriendly -
some folks will NEVER be able to understand,
as long as you try 2 argue + talk (friendly) to them.
=>is the only thing, those are willing 2 understand.
The bigger the trouble, the more understanding you 'll find with those.
Xarian_Prime wrote:
Im sory to the ppl that know i know better… & at risk of getting in mega S*#T (or temp ban) … im still gonna say it…F.U.C.K. O.F.F.
This was a legit ask where we had “seen” this pic… not who’s getting screwed outa what royaltys… ect
If i was a admin… you’d all be turfed for being so freakin childish & hijacking an otherwise pleasant discussion
Your behavior has offended me to a high calibur, & im rarley offended.
Ummm, it was a legit reply, stating who owns the copyright for the picture. Its very wrong to simply use a desktop wallpaper, slam your mod title on it (implying that you made that background) and go with it (only, as Bas said, when the license grants that usage).
They didnt hijack the thead, they simply said who owns the copyright, and since the copyright holder is a nice guy, this could even be resolved.
Of course they added some troll-borderline remarks, but all in all you should be wiser than to fall for their provocations. They got you right where they wanted you to be. -
i just remember a blog entry by Why485. “An Inspiration To All”.
it ireally is an inspiration. for instance me am not too talented with painting programs such as photoshop and make a nice image with that is kinda impossible under these conditions, but to render one with some cute programs, starting with 3ds max and metasequoia over to blender and cinema 4d and up to lightwave and maya… preferably using models you have ingame… with a bit love to detail and either lots of time or good hardware you can get amazing results, much better than any ingame screenshot, even better than whatever you might have seen on plasmafire.
anyways, in most cases just crediting is enough. most artists won’t bother unless you call it your own. -
Look… I’ll say sory for the sake of keeping further dialogue free of hostility’s (hopefully)…
but at the time (i have to explain here) there was a hovering above the thread… & a quick look at the “remarks” its easy to feel a case of de’ja’vu… but i’ve said enough of how i feel today.
DwnUndr wrote:
I found this on my desktop, I downloaded it from somewhere but have no recollection from where lol.If it was from someone here who has posted it I won’t use it, but otherwise will use it for the next release of the UnderVerse. It is nearly a spitting image for Pitch Black. Anyone recognize it?
I posted that screen on your forum a while back as to, “what do you have on your desktop forum”. Gibbon replies that he has the same as the Bg on his forum. I do think it’s the work of Greg Martin but not sure. and I may have got it from a wallpaper bg site. Not sure for it’s been so long and I think due to Photobucket, it was deleted or something, Idk? It may be back on the forum by now? Anyway, it doesn’t hurt to download as long as credit is given if you use it to your advantage. Just don’t claim it as your own. I have many wallpapers I switch from off and on and all of them have the Artist name in the corner.
Just give credit as to where the bg come from. Add the link and as Unknown Artist.
Here’s the link to the post on the FLC and just below it is your comment.
Gibbon wrote:
FFS. Nice i got dragged into this. It’s a free picture downloadable from here
91683 people have downloaded it from just this site alone. No i haven’t asked permission to use it as it’s a free download. End of discussion.
So what you’re saying as I understand it from your own words, is that copyrighted or not, if it’s a free download, then asking permission to use it is completely unnecessary? Awesome, good to know.
I have to agree with him here. Just because it is a free download it doesn’t mean that it is free as in freedom, but free as in beer.
But in context in the website, there is the copyright stated at the bottom which says clearly that is free to use (as in freedom) for non-commercial projects.
Plus it might be also dependent of where you get free stuff. If I download application from the ubuntu software center I can be sure that I use free software, which allows me the four freedoms:- Freedom 0: The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
- Freedom 1: The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish.
- Freedom 2: The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
- Freedom 3: The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits.
-> by Richard Stallman (I just love this dude =))
weishaupt wrote:
Gibbon wrote:
FFS. Nice i got dragged into this. It’s a free picture downloadable from here
91683 people have downloaded it from just this site alone. No i haven’t asked permission to use it as it’s a free download. End of discussion.
So what you’re saying as I understand it from your own words, is that copyrighted or not, if it’s a free download, then asking permission to use it is completely unnecessary? Awesome, good to know.
You obviously like stirring s*** so i’ll be as simple as possible with the explanation here. I’m not using it for commercial purposes, it’s for private use, therefore i’m not breaking any usage regulations. If i was using it for commercial purposes then yes, things would be different.
On your other point, stop making out i’ve said something when i haven’t, if you can’t understand what i’ve written, get a grownup to explain it you.
Well, he just criticized your argumentation. Just because it is free as in beer, means, that you can download it without to pay anything, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t copyrighted.
Actually, many software is freeware, but still not free software. Just because you can dl it for free it doesn’t mean that you can use it as you want. -
Gibbon wrote:
weishaupt wrote:
Gibbon wrote:
FFS. Nice i got dragged into this. It’s a free picture downloadable from here
91683 people have downloaded it from just this site alone. No i haven’t asked permission to use it as it’s a free download. End of discussion.
So what you’re saying as I understand it from your own words, is that copyrighted or not, if it’s a free download, then asking permission to use it is completely unnecessary? Awesome, good to know.
You obviously like stirring s*** so i’ll be as simple as possible with the explanation here. I’m not using it for commercial purposes, it’s for private use, therefore i’m not breaking any usage regulations. If i was using it for commercial purposes then yes, things would be different.
On your other point, stop making out i’ve said something when i haven’t, if you can’t understand what i’ve written, get a grownup to explain it you.
No, I understand completely. You said yourself, “No, I haven’t asked permission to use it as it’s a free download”. And right here you say “As long as it’s for non-commercial purposes I’m not breaking any usage regulations.” Therefore, taking one mod’s content to be used in another wouldn’t be against the rules, as the download for every resource used was free, and it’s being used for non-commercial purposes. After all, nobody sells mods. That would be illegal.