Freelancer server problem plz help me
and this is even wrong. if you are not connected manually to the global list server, your internet connection doesn’t matter at all. first apply the workaround, list your server on the global list, and if you then still are offline, than you can think of your connection :roll:
Gisteron wrote:
darn it, guys, why do you post things posted dozens of times again and again? i suggested him to use the search function. do you expect anyone to use it one day if every newcomer will get all information he needs from scratch? why not directly duplicate the entire forum?sorry, if that was highly provocative, caught me a bad time
I understand where he’s coming from, but with searches, often if you don’t use just the right search terms, you won’t find what you’re looking for. So, I think the more the question gets asked, the more likely you’ll get an answer.
Often the info in the thread you find doesn’t quite answer your question and then you get slammed for resurrecting an old thread. Apparently necro-posting is just as bad as starting a new thread instead of searching through the old ones.
You can’t win…
Actually, the administration is very lenient with people who resurrect an old thread with a genuine question or additional insight on the topic at hand. What we come down upon is when someone resurrects a thread just to do a “me too!”
In my experience TSP has always been very helpful and friendly. There are some who will snidely just tell someone to use the search function although I think the sell would go over better if the responder would not only remind the poster to use the search function, but would also provide a link to the existing thread at hand. After all, if you can say that the answers can be found by using the search function, then presumably the responder knew exactly where the thread was, or knew the correct search terms to find it.
Overall though, I have received much more help than I’ve given, so when I see an opportunity to help someone with my meager knowledge, I tend to jump at the opportunity.
Regardless, I was speaking generally in regards to necro-posting, not specifically to TSP.
And I’m trying to shake off that perception so people aren’t scared to resurrect old topics for good reasons
i have hard problem , my mod have freelancer.ini , file have
hostname = ;GUN server in Redmond (DNS entryi get problem when i Activation mod , FLMM change my freelancer\exe –>freelancer.ini :
hostname = ; GUN server provided by
hostname = ;GUN server in Redmond (DNS entry
so i can*t connection to list server
Crazy wrote:
Then modify your freelancer.ini file after you’ve activated your mod… Are just modiy the freelancer.ini in your mod folder.Yes, absolutely - don’t be afraid to make this change in your mod’s freelancer.ini file. It is needed.
Without it you can only run a local LAN game.
The other way is find your global IP address and give it to your players. Then they have to start freelancer by:-
“…\Freelancer.exe -sIPADDRESS : PORT”
Don’t forget many players won’t be able to do this!