Hey everyone,
I know that what I will ask is a lot of work, so please do not flame me for it.
I just hope there is someone who could model a ship for me. The reason for this ship is that it would be used by a faction on the Discovery server (hopefully). So, if there is anyone who wants to help me, look at this…
The ship will be a “heavy destroyer”, and the model for it should be the “Skaal-Tel Taiidan Destroyer” from homeworld. It should not be a copy of it, but rather the same ship remoddeled to suit FL, with a FL-like quality.
Anyway, here some pics…
The turrets should not be added to the model, a painting is also not needed. “Just” the model. Also, if it possible, make it “a tad” longer, so it suits the cruisers in FL. I know this is no small task, and if I could I would do it myself. So, if you have some time and want to model this epic ship for me, I would be more than grateful. If you want to know anything else, I’d be happy to give any information you may need. Thanks
I hope for some (positive) answers soon
Nice to see so many replies…
I have no problem with it if you convert it directly from homeworld, but, in order for it to be added to the discovery mod, it must be of a rather high quality, they’re kinda strict about that.
So, after converting it, you’d have to give it a better resolution and all texture and all that, if that’s possible. You know what I mean?
And the turrets need to be cut from the model, yes, as FL has it’s own turrets. Also, if you compare HW to FL cruiser you’ll notice they have much less turrets.
And yeah, it’s an original HW model, but the last picture is from a HW mod I think.
Would be really awesome if someone could look into this
There you go.
Kuze, where do you see rip-offs?
So the question isn’t about Discovery using Eve ships at all, it’s about whether or not you can get someone to put that HW model into FL format for you ( not aimed at OP, just those diverting his topic
I am unsure whether you’ve approached the Discovery Dev’s with the images you show, and asked if this would be allowed to be included, and if not in its current state, specifics of what would require improving for inclusion.
I’d have thought these were the prime points which should be clarified but I’m unsure if they currently are