Upgrading Freelancer
That is a fantastic idea! Do you have a team put together yet? What’s your website? Are you going to remake the game with updated graphics? New missions? New story?
Let me know what I can do, I’d love to help.
there is no team and a big chance there will never be. He has too big ideas that require too much work and a whole corporation working on them.
Hmm. That’s sounds familiar for some reason I can’t recall at the moment…. :pint:
We plan to release all our graphical improvements for mass consumption (except for one mod) once the FW:ToW is completed.
We will definitely be releasing the mod before the end of the year, if you want a timeline.
I have no idea when my mod’s coming out… lolz
But feel free to take any FX extensions for your project… for example I’ve extended the light’s a fair way leaving almost no color spared… mainly FX additions and refinements to what was already pretty mega (why485’s works / F!R’s FX additions)
& there’s more coming too including all new cloak .ale’s
All i ask is ye tell me what your thinking of using… this is mainly due to me using the work of friends and they deserve credit as well if you decide to use one of their FX.& @ Bas… does that really need an answer?
Well, I just have more than one person/mod in my mind, that is all.