Decrease screen font size?
Hi guys! I just re-installed Freelancer after I stumbled across an old screenshot on my hd. I remembered I had never finished it when I played it years ago, so I plan to do that now (hope I manage this time…).
My problem is that the screen fonts are far too big. The description of objects in space is so long I cant read it completely. The names of weapons or actions in keyboard config menu are so long they overlap the mapped keys. Etc. etc…
I installed the Quickfix as suggested here but it didn’t change anything. I also tried changing values in /FONTS, but didn’t help either.
So, thanks for any advice…
Sounds like your Freelancer installation not setup the font which Freelancer used.
Search Agency FB, download it and install it, then see is the problem solved.
BTW: If you see something like <xml>in the text, you need to install the XML Parser. You can found it in your Freelancer CD\REDIST folder,</xml>
Not sure if I should open 2 more threads or simply put it here… I have 2 more questions now:
What’s the easiest way to make FL appear in 16:10 on my monitor? I read about some ways, but as with the screen font, maybe there is a simpler solution than editing inis etc…
Gameplay-wise I have to say that I’m having the same problems as last time… Already in the 3rd job assignment I tried, I simply died, repeatedly.
I bought the best weapons available, but still when I go up against several rogues, my ship is destroyed before I can take them all out. I really wonder how to do this?! I can’t do much more than follow one enemy after another and try to hit them with all I have… I didn’t find any nanobot repair units at the dealer by the way, so I can’t repair my ship in combat - maybe that’s the secret? Thanks for any advice!
In the arms dealer there are 4 categories. After you opened the trade window, look…eh, wait a sec. you are complaining that you die to fast you surely want also to check if there are better shields and ships aviable for you.
nickname = ButtonText
font = Britannic Bold
;fixed_height = 0.030000
fixed_height = 0.026000;All headers including loading text
;Maybe Haettenschweiler
;Gloucester MT Extra Condensed
nickname = PageHeader
font = Britannic Bold
fixed_height = 0.038000;all subheaders
;maybe Cambria
nickname = SubHeader
font = Cambria
fixed_height = 0.026000;names of items for sale
nickname = ItemName
font = Sylfaen
;fixed_height = 0.029000
fixed_height = 0.027000;Save game titles
nickname = ListText
font = Sylfaen
;fixed_height = 0.031000
fixed_height = 0.029500;tool tips
nickname = ToolTip
font = Times New Roman
fixed_height = 0.025000; roll overs
nickname = Rollover
font = Times New Roman
fixed_height = 0.025000text of ;the 2 huds (WEAPS AND CONTACTLIST)
nickname = HudSmall
font = Agency FB
fixed_height = 0.022000[TrueType]
nickname = MissionObjective
font = Agency FB
;fixed_height = 0.058000
fixed_height = 0.050000[TrueType]
nickname = Normal
font = Sylfaen
fixed_height = 0.032000[TrueType]
nickname = NewsMission
font = Sylfaen
fixed_height = 0.032000[TrueType]
nickname = NewsTicker
font = Sylfaen
fixed_height = 0.042000[TrueType]
nickname = PlayerName
font = Sylfaen
;fixed_height = 0.027000
fixed_height = 0.025000[TrueType]
nickname = TradePlayerName
font = Sylfaen
fixed_height = 0.027000[TrueType]
nickname = DebugText
font = FixedSys
fixed_height = 0.027000[TrueType]
nickname = ConfirmPlayerText
font = Sylfaen
fixed_height = 0.032000[TrueType]
nickname = ConfirmText
font = Sylfaen
fixed_height = 0.029000[TrueType]
nickname = NavMap1600
font = Agency FB
fixed_height = 0.010000[TrueType]
nickname = NavMap1024
font = Agency FB
fixed_height = 0.021000[TrueType]
nickname = NavMap1280
font = Agency FB
fixed_height = 0.019200[TrueType]
nickname = NavMap800
font = Agency FB
fixed_height = 0.024200Rich_fonts.ini:
font = 0, Sylfaen, 25
font = 0a, Sylfaen, 25
font = 0b, Sylfaen, 25
font = 0c, Sylfaen, 25
font = 0d, Sylfaen, 25
font = 0e, Sylfaen, 25
font = 0f, Sylfaen, 22
font = 1, Sylfaen, 25
font = 1a, Sylfaen, 25
font = 2, Sylfaen, 22
font = 3, Britannic Bold, 33
font = 5, Britannic Bold, 18
font = 5a, Britannic Bold, 18
font = 5b, Agency FB, 18
font = 6, Britannic Bold, 22
font = 7, Britannic Bold, 19;Cant seem to find which value this pertains to
font = 0
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 101, 133, 207;unable to find this one
font = 0a
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 205, 146, 65;unable to find this one
font = 0b
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 103, 106, 216;unable to find this one
font = 0c
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 255, 255, 0;unable to find this one
font = 0d
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 95, 140, 140;unable to find this one
font = 0e
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 0, 255, 0;Random missions,neural net, info search-texts
font = 0f
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 255, 0, 0;= parts of Credits?
font = 1
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 61, 75, 209;= Unable to locate so probly not important
font = 1a
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 190, 180, 41;part of Credits"digital anvil,studios"
font = 2
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 0, 255, 0;Credits roll headline
font = 3
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 190, 180, 41
justify = center;Cant find this one
font = 5
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 117, 166, 85;Cant find this one
font = 5a
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
color = 255, 255, 0;little load page window bottom left
font = 5b
bold = true
italic = false
underline = false
color = 190, 180, 41;Load Log Buttons
font = 6
bold = true
italic = false
underline = false
color = 206, 118, 118 -
Verdammt, I had really overlooked the categories at the dealer… Please don’t tell anyone! :oops: Thanks a lot!
The widescreen mod also works very well, thanks for that as well! While we’re on it, are there also mods for…
improving space station textures? The game doesn’t look bad at all considering its age, it’s just the space stations (and buildings on planets) that hurt the eye a bit…
temporarily decreasing difficulty? Since the save points are 20 minutes apart, it’s a bit annoying when you only have 1 hour to play, and have to play the same 20 minutes including cutscenes again and again. So, just in case I run into further problems…
free saving, that would be best of course…
This makes you realise how easy the games of today have become… Don’t require the same amount of thinking. Yesterday, I somehow launched into space without shield - it was too late when I realised…
Thanks for all the support, I’ll recommend this site to Spock!
PS: Reply notification doesn’t seem to work though, but no big deal.