Mod problem NSU server
Wicked_Witch wrote:
Did you ever make a mod?
If yes, than you know how much work it is to make one.If no… Than start to find out how hard it is to make one. And than let’s c if you wanna spread all your hard work out over several difrent servers from all kind of difrent people. Or if you would like if it’s spread over 20 difrent servers and on all those 20 servers play only 2 people. Well, if that’s the case, than you have really honor of your work…not…
No, I haven’t, but I’m aware of how much work is involved and if I ever did, I would definitely allow it to spread out over any number of different servers. It’d be really nice to see people using my work after I had put so much effort into it.
=Alex= wrote:
No, I haven’t, but I’m aware of how much work is involved and if I ever did, I would definitely allow it to spread out over any number of different servers. It’d be really nice to see people using my work after I had put so much effort into it.For a part you are right.
But if there are for example 20 servers with two players on it, than your mod isn’t optimal spread out to. (sorry, hope you understand what i’m try to tell. Can’t explain it well in english )
We prefer one server with 100 people, than 100 servers with 2 people.
There is only one difrence to. A few years ago the server from WTS closed because of all kind of troubles. I contact the owner/modder from our WTS World and ask him if i was allowed to put up WTS World again with his mod. He agree with it that moment. I step into blank because i totally had no clue of running it all. But i found our mod to good to let it die, also the wts community i try to keep up. I still have that opinion after so many years now.
F!R is our modder/owner and he agree that i’m running WTS World, but if he tells me tomorrow that i need to close the server, (for what reason) despite all the people i must disapont than, i close the server. Why? Because it’s his work, not mine.
If owners/modders decide that there must be only one server/mod running, than people must respect that. And than it’s the owner/modder his/her choise to let it die if he/she don’t want to spent time anymore to it. Regardless if it’s a pitty or not. But it’s his choise and he have the right to make it as you call “Elite”
If you wanna host a server than you could atleast contact the owner/modder of it, and ask if you are allowed to host it.
If you had make a mod and spent all the 100 of hours into it, and don’t mind that there will be 20 servers, than it’s fine, everybody respect that. Only you can’t stick a label on people who think difrent in that way.
I’ve been on both sides of the fence on numerous occasions and I can easily understand both points of view. They’re both valid and dismissing either is plain and simply shortsighted.
Limiting the ability to host servers means it’s much easier to concentrate the player base around a few key locations, thus improving player counts. As Witch said, it’s a matter of 50 people on the main server or 10 people on there and the 40 others spread thin on a bunch of other servers. It can kill a mod.
Furthermore, you don’t have to provide support for hosting or bug fixing for any configuration but that of your official server(s). Sure, you can say you don’t provide support whatsoever, but trust me, people will whine about that as much as they would if you did not share at all.
On the flip side, sharing the mod means it won’t ever “die”. If you’re very open about it, it’s possible that others will keep supporting and developing it long after you’re gone, which is a nice thing. It also benefits the community at large and lets those who do not like your main server’s setup/rules/style make their own server just as they want (or even simply play in a LAN).
As far as I’m concerned, both ways are fine. The only thing I would ponder is, assuming you keep the mod locked down, whether to share it when you pull the plug. I think that this would be the better way, since then the main reason for not sharing is gone anyways.
it should be the mod makers right to restrict his work if he does not want certain things copied . or if supplies the server to play the mod on.
rsabatino wrote:
it should be the mod makers right to restrict his work if he does not want certain things copied . or if supplies the server to play the mod on.nobody said otherwise
rsabatino wrote:
it should be the mod makers right to restrict his work if he does not want certain things copied . or if supplies the server to play the mod on.I respectfully disagree.
/me jumps on anti-copyright bandwagon.
If you’ve got a copy of 1.65 still then you can run that on LAN, I’ve played it like that myself because my ping is no good to the server. Even converted it to single player in the end. Not sure how he would feel if you hosted a public server though, probably not too happy.
=Alex= wrote:
/me jumps on anti-copyright bandwagon.
Gotta love statements like that from the misinformed and plain stupid. My income comes from copyrighted material, and if it wasn’t for idiotic attitudes like this i’d be earning a lot more than i am. It’s the “we should have it for free” brigade that are ruining the music and film industry and all i can do is hold you in complete contempt for even thinking it. Because you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, you don’t realise the harm you and many others do to artists like myself. Pitiful, truly is.
Keep this discussion civil, calling others misinformed and stupid for their opinion does not really prove your point.
For example, there are quite a few voices in this world that would say that copyright reduces originality and the variety of art in favor of mainstream.Anyways, this has nothing to do with the initial topic. I think the topic has been answered and can be closed.
Yes, I’m going to try to avoid discussing this sort of thing in future. Flamey topic I guess. Sorry if I annoyed you a bit there, Gibbon.