GE Demo Videos And Pics
NeXoSE wrote:
You really need to think about content donation. As i know an other game named Infinitely is running so happy in this mode.Hey Nexose, just noticed the thing you said about Infinity and I had to stop by and clarify things a bit. A wile ago, the dev from Infinity came out with a news release that shocked the entire community. It seems that most, if not all content, made for that game in the past 5 years (which is hundreds of really good models) may not be used in the game because of various reasons (last minute change in model stats requirements and some new “paperwork” changes). So, right now, as it seems, things in Infinity are anything but good and frankly, after 5 years, or more, since this game is in production I really would’ve expected more to be done on it by now … except a tech demo video which frankly is not really that outstanding. To be realistic, Infinity has probably under 10% chances of ever being finished and released as the game it’s advertised to be. The whole project actually revolves around the fact that the dev needs to attract attention on his game engine so he’ll end up on selling it, that’s it, I don’t think he’s ever wanted to actually make the game, it was all just a cover story to attract possible buyers for his Novae (or whatever name) game engine.
Compared to it, GE project is developing far better and faster and it will actually get released at some point in space and time.
Sorry to all Infinity fans here if I trashed the game a bit with my reply but that’s how things are and you can see it also for yourself if you go and read their forums.Going back on-topic now
GE is currently pre-alpha stage so LS is just testing a lot of ideas to see what can actually be integrated in the game and how. Once he’s done with the testing and implementing phase, only then can he really start working on making the game eye-candy. As it stands now, all graphics are as “default” as they can get and all vids posted by him are just to show off possible features of the game, so commenting on the graphics quality right now really has no meaning hehe. Now, good comments would be those about possible features we’d all like to see implemented in the game. I’ve already spammed him on Skype with such suggestions so I’m not gonna spam this topic also … but you can and should do it
SolCommand wrote:
GE is currently pre-alpha stage so LS is just testing a lot of ideas to see what can actually be integrated in the game and how. Once he’s done with the testing and implementing phase, only then can he really start working on making the game eye-candy. As it stands now, all graphics are as “default” as they can get and all vids posted by him are just to show off possible features of the game, so commenting on the graphics quality right now really has no meaning hehe. Now, good comments would be those about possible features we’d all like to see implemented in the game. I’ve already spammed him on Skype with such suggestions so I’m not gonna spam this topic also … but you can and should do itBad to see Infinitely decided to do this, that really hit a lot of people. I did a little swear few years before, that’s I will not touch any other mod and game until my mod finished. I stoped get any news, stoped play any mod except my etc, so my info is outdated.
About graph, thank you for give this detail to make me know what’s LS doing. And looks i don’t have to complaining about graph… But except that, i don’t know anyother stuff i have to complaining especially he refused my first suggest to use database to save game data.
I have lot’s of idea for a game, something already done by other people in their mod like Cloaking system, Wings system, Lansquenet, Clans, Bounty system. something not yet, like:
About ship
Factory ship - A kind of ship can producting synthetic or equipment. It’s need mineral, commodity and/or component as material, pilot must have right ship and right blueprint to product stuffs they want.
Exploration ship - A kind of ship can track Optical Signal (Sent by a star far far away form here), and jump to that orientation to exploration it (In server side, it’s will create full new system with random parameter).
Colony ship - If Exploration Ship found a new system, A clan can use Colony Ship to colonize that area, and Colony Ship will can be a basic station when the system colonized.
Lifter ship - Large ship like transport cannot land on planet because too heavy, if they want to goods in exchange, they will need lifter or go to wait public goods elevator.
Repair ship - Use to fix large ship if shipyard or large station not near by.
Drones - Use to fight, mining, investigate and surveillance.
About mineral
4 kind of mineral: ore, organism, gas, liquid.
Ore - Various kinds of metal and general mineral.
Organism - Microorganism and bacterium.
Gas - Go ask GMG.
Liquid - Not frozen liquid.-
Ore is basis of mineral, almost all metal can be refine from it.
Organism is a kind of biocatalysis, to purify chemical substance form Ore, Liquid and Gas.
And if you have a Plantation Station, some organism can be use to make food, and other goods. If you have a gas station, organism can be use to production advanced gas fuel. -
Gas include oxygen, fuel gas etc. Gas mainly use as synthetic agent, for EXP: Some kind of gas + some kind of liquid can be use to make oxygen.
Liquid is a kind of fluid material. Mainly use for solvent in production.
If you don’t have production station, you can feel free to sell it in other people’s/NPC’s station which they gives best price.
I’m paused now, guys, do you like above?
Yeah, it was a time when I thought Infinity would be some sort of EVE Online on steroids, but that impression is long gone, especially with the latest dev press release. Too bad
I for one kinda like all the ideas you wrote. Most of them I have thought about them already too, however the one with the “colony ship” is really cool and it opens quite a number of possible new game mechanics and story missions. :pint:
This demostrates the completed weather system. It also shows the new walking code, new sky shader and the off-screen targets. Enjoy
Click on my Youtube profile link if you can’t view the video.
LancerSolurus wrote:
This demostrates the completed weather system. It also shows the new walking code, new sky shader and the off-screen targets. EnjoyClick on my Youtube profile link if you can’t view the video.
Is that’s my cloud? LOL
still want to know that happen to my model. It’s passed?
Nah, for some reason your sky texture isn’t cooperating. The parser was actually acting like the entry was invalid even though it was working before the new sky shader was added. Going to convert it over to dds format and see if that fixes it later tonight. All of the ones in the video are cube skies, no sphere mapping used, which is what your texture uses.
As far as a model, hmm, looked in your folder in downloads and I don’t have a model by you (each contributor gets their own folder).
Thanks DwnUndr, still tweaking the code such as adding instant sky switching and a default sky for invalid sky settings in the system files. Now that I have alot of the time line fleshed out I will be adding descriptions and many new items for sale in the bases.
As always, feel free to contribute models, textures, sounds etc, they are needed even more now that the alpha release is looming closer.
LancerSolurus wrote:
NahNow take look my face ->
Well, looks you don’t need it now. but the model… i actually sent to you via email. If you not got it, never mind, just forget it, it’s not very good model, i made it for FL so ploygon is very low, you know.
No but thats not a bad idea, I can simply add an alpha channel to the body’s texture…
just a suggestion for the snow particles: dunno, how much work it is and whether at all worth the effort, but it would be cool to make it move on the other axises a little bit, like if it would encounter air resistance, just like in the real world.
Glad you reminded me of that, it already does have turbulence in it. I meant to crank it up before I made another video. Oops, a little late for this video
Well I work on it almost daily, there is quite a bit of stuff I didnt show since fraps was being a bit annoying and started stuttering for no reason.
This is almost a fully working version of the new water shader, specular bump reflection just isn’t quite right yet, this map was built in the in-game editor…
Right click the link below and ‘save link as’ if you cant view it -
Well done, LS. This is really coming together. Congrats on your achievement through all your hard work.