Freelancer Mod Studio - 1.2
The options are sorted by their order in the template.xml. I simply did not put them in the correct order yet (only some system related files). I will edit it so that the order represents the vanilla one but you could also help me with other files
Hint: The option order is not unified in the default ini files though
EDIT: Attached template.xml
Wow…this is looking even more awesome!
That combined with movement through the 3D window would make for one epic tool, stfx!
Hope it ends up in the release, looks great!
Exellent. Good for giving accurate coords to the objects -
Thats what I wanted ^^
Probably been busy over the holiday season, stfx, but any progress on this?
This tool has seriously cut down on the time it took to track down a number of system bugs in the Discovery 4.86 release. Simply seeing which zones are where was enough to figure out some zones just weren’t where they were supposed to be. Props.
I’m impressed with that seeing object shapes teaser. If that can get implemented even in a beta stage, I’m interested. It will make arranging bases SO much easier if the object geometry is painted (textures is a nice bonus, but geometry alone would suffice).
Hey guys,
how are you?
everyone still here?I will work on Freelancer Mod Studio a bit in the next weeks and will mainly concentrate on working on the 3D viewer. Real models, 3D transform support, something like that
Before I begin though I would like to know if there are any real issues with the way the tool works now? Saving of property order is fine now I guess?
Also would anyone need the ability to save the ini files in binary mode (bini) or is that a waste of time? - not that it will take much
Out of interest: is anyone using the tool for editing ini files other than the systems?
Also I am looking for someone to help me categorize and write a small description for each property of the system and universe file which will be displayed in the propertygrid (that thing with the properties which is by default on the right side of the screen)
Good to see that you’re working on it again, stfx!
It’s an awesome tool and I was getting worried that it’d be left nearly finished! -
Woo. Excited to hear you’re back on the job.
Me too
Dude. I can’t thank you enough. I didn’t know where to start with modding. But now I finally have an idea of what’s going on. I’m so glad you did this. Once I have more time and not college in the way, I’ll go through the tutorials and do something.
Hi, it’s very good news you give us !!!
The only thing I would dream to see is something to help stations modular elements positionning. Designing good looking complexes stations is really hard… and just rotating it several degrees is even more difficult xDBut anyways, thank you for this tool !
Great then, what about the other things though?
- would anyone need the ability to save the ini files in binary mode (bini)?
- I am looking for someone to help me categorize and write a small description for each optio nof the system and universe file - like so
sweet good to see u back in action
hm about the properties. u r looking for code that can read / write dll strings/xml infocards? maybe ask friendlyfire (he got a pretty fast routine in fldev afaik)
and rotating real 3d models would be entire awesomatic