What do you think?
Xalrok wrote:
These starspheres look amazing. Did you/are you going to upgrade these starspheres? Bw03, Bw05, Ew02, Ku06, Li05, Rh01_nebs, Rh06, St01, St02 and St03 (not St03b.) They aren’t used anywhere in Vanilla but a lot of mods use them for custom systems.St02 and St03 look identical to me…
Bw05 and Ku05 also look very similar.At least when compared in HardCMP
This, Hunor, is another great example for the sentence:
Why are all the great things done after Freelancer’s peak time? -
Send me a link for the download and I will host it on my servers. They are online 24/7, there is also a download section on TSP but I don’t know what the file size limit is.
I’ve approved it: http://the-starport.net/freelancer/download/singlefile.php?cid=9&lid=2675
Amazing work, Hunor.
Edit: Um, looks like that’s an external download…
Here is the new version.
Thanks robocop for the flmm mod.[d]www.gamefront.com/files/21715917/Freelancer_HD_Starsphere_pack_v2_flmod[/d]
Says ‘file is unavailable, come back later’
I’ll come back later…
I do not know why, I’ll try to upload again later.
Here is the final version. In this the size of the files has much larger, because i did not deleted the MIPs. Therefore I did not use the flmm. Soon I will upload a .dds version, because some people have fps drop, but i still working on it.
Some pictures:
I took a look at the 1st version
really nice.
I’m going to wait for your .dds version and if possible with the mips sorted, it’s a verry big in size
I love it though, thanks for letting folks freely use it, credits as always
DDS version finished