FLServer and Windows Server 2012?
So here is the story:
I accidentally got an account from Windows Azure (China version) with free trial code. So i can use it for 30 days.
I started a virtual machine with Windows 2012 64bit in it. And installed Freelancer, but when i start the FLServer, it telling me:
I already installed DX 2010 runtime, still get this problem.
Any luck to fix this?
// Edit: Sorry, long time no see, my English gone poorer.
This is going to sound weird, but try installing the DirectX 9 August 2007 SDK. This was the last one that had DirectPlay headers in it.
While modern versions of DirectX do still support DirectPlay for backwards compatibility purposes, I have no idea how DirectX works on Windows Server and therefore any advice I can give you is pure speculation.
Thank you for reply.
I tried the 2007 one, no luck.
Seems DirectPlay for FLServer not work so well on Windows Server 2012.
However Windows Azure itself is pretty good.
Now…. I’m … trying install FLServer on Windows Server 2008
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Direct-Play -IncludeAllSubFeature
Think there’s a GUI way too but that’s easier to paste.
Yeah! Windows Server 2008 did the job.
Still don’t know what’s going on on the Windows Server 2012 side.
Now i will keep this server running for 25 days and check the resource use for prove that VPS can run an FLServer.
Maybe you guys may consider to move your physical server into cloud.
I promised someone that i will donate a VPS to run FLServer earlier, now i’m with even more confidence to do that.
Oops, i already removed that instance. So i guess i have to mark this for next chance to try.
See chaps, some old things are still better than some new things