Freelancer Dreamland
I read somewhere that there is a way to slow ships down in nebulas, that would interest me.
looks like
nickname = zone_hi01_drag_tau37_hole
pos = -29679, 10, 11769
shape = SPHERE
size = 3000
interference = 0.010000
drag_modifier = 7
……Without “interference” you ll get no drag.
Normal flight will be slower (also effecting npcs and projectils)
and cruise will be speeded up unpredictible. -
Well, on the topic of things that we want…
When I enter the New York system, the game displays:
“New York System, Liberty Space.”
What I want to do is find a way to add a fifth House (Hispania) so that when I enter New Madrid, I get:
“New Madrid System, Hispania Space.”
Unfortunatly, it appears hardcoded that only four IDS names can be displayed. Here is what I know: IDS#s 196609-196613 are connected so that they display “196609 System, 1249 Space.” IDS#s 196614-196619 are liked to 1250, 196626-196632 are linked to 1251, and 196620-196625 are linked to 1252. So, I hope that there’s a way to add another. That’s what I want.
Thx for the info, never too old to learn
On another topic, does anyone else here use graded radiation on suns? Just a pet thing of mine where you approach a sun and the radiation gets worse the closer you get. I find it a bit more realistic
I plan to use that idea on different occasions to achieve some better results. You just put tons of continuously smaller zones with increasingly higher radiation damage, right? I don’t even know if the damage stacks up… Guess I’ll find out.
On a lighter note:
I would like to see a freelancer nuke, you set it off, push button of course, and the whole system blows up and everyone in it.
That, and a pink eagle would make my day.
all perfectly possible lol
(no really)
That, and a pink eagle would make my day.
…… like this
@ FriendlyFire
Yes. I use 5 extra zones around suns with ever increasing damage in each one so assuming you make it to the sun you’re pretty much toasted. A final death zone with ultra high damage guarantees a vapourizing effect on entry. You guys probably know that a lot of the suns in FL have very low damage, worth fixing if not done already
… yea sorry
- it’s the Falcon (but i didn’t find the Eagle staight away)
- and i m working on the brown cockpit glass, which realy doesn’t meet that style perfect
PS. 4 those who want it, need it + know how 2 use it: Torch’s special civilian texture
… and here a small 1st concept,
how 2 kill a whole system.1. put a destructible solar model “solar core” in the sun.
2. attach a nice death fuse 2 it, which does minimum 2 times very heavy damage in a wide area
3. create a “nova bomb” kind of torp which survives the radiation and can blast your “solar core”
and also does some nice wide area damage.Of course the rest of the system has to be desructible 2.
possible problem: radiation might damage the “solar core”
(not sure - i think it will not atm without checking)And we also need a small flhook addition which deletes
every char docked in that system.
@OPR8R now THATs reason 2 worry
Without “interference” you ll get no drag.
Normal flight will be slower (also effecting npcs and projectils)
and cruise will be speeded up unpredictible.I Seem to remember Interferece is to do with Sensor Efficiency.I’ve never bothered with Drag Modifer Before.
One Thing I’d love to see would be a greater range of ship classes, like Logistics, Scout, Electronic Warfare, Etc. Rather than LF, HF, VHF and Freighter. Also, Scale and a lack of nomads would be nice. -
1. yes - interference has 2 do with sensor efficency
(and you still will need 2 set it atlrast a little, to get the drag modifier 2 work)2. You have 4 entries in “resources.dll” for the ship classes
In WTS we changed them a bit to
923, “Fighter”
924, “VHF/Gunboat”
925, “Freighter/Transport”
926, “Cruiser/Capital”
Renaming is the only thing i can offer 4 that. -
On a side note to classes, at least regarding weapons, its certainly possible to make weapon classes for each individual ship class if you’re careful.
You can redo them. I redefined my weps so that as an example on say a light fighter, you can only mount that class of gun. Just make loads of weps for that class only. Same for all the others. That way it’s impossible to mount freighter guns on a fighter, transport guns on a battleship and so on. To get them to display properly in game just needs some dll editing in the resources dll. Only thing i haven’t solved yet is getting rid of the class number but i’m sure there’s a solution to that somewhere.
I tried removing the Class Number for Weps on ENE. I found no strings that changed it in any of the DLLs, although I could change hardpoint names.
Can someone explain how I make new weapon classes like mentioned? -
… please 1st give a short idee on what mod your working
in not more then 50 words.;D
same as above - find the proper entry in resources.dll
and change it to say1731, “Energy Missile/Gun” (former “Turret-Class 1”)
1732, “Fighter Defense Turret” (former “Turret-Class 2”)
1733, “Turret-Class 3”
1734, “Turret-Class 4”
1735, “Turret-Class 5”
1736, “Turret-Class 6”
1737, “Turret-Class 7”
1738, “Turret-Class 8”
1739, “Turret-Class 9”
1740, “Battleship Turret” (former “Turret-Class 10”)
1741, “Torpedo/Disruptor”
1742, “Heavy Torpedo/Disruptor”or to what ever you like.
Yes, I know about strings, and i’m doing an independant piece for Antares, the nature of which is being kept quiet. Anyway. Adding new ones, not renaming old ones.
New ones.Did I Mention I Knew how to change strings?