Syndicate Collective
Olympus Freelancer Complex
Nice work.
I have already installed it on our page.
Clan link:
[S.T.E.] - Sirius Terror Elite
There is an error on this page only with the last clan name
[alte_M?nner]= Clan
Should be:
[alte_Männer]= Clanjust wanted to inform you, maybe you are interested in fixing it, maybe not.
There is an error on this page only with the last clan name
[alte_M?nner]= Clan
Should be:
[alte_Männer]= Clanjust wanted to inform you, maybe you are interested in fixing it, maybe not.
Thats because of the different Languages, I see a [].
Best will be to write Maenner. -
That’s because of the charset used. The Starport uses UTF-8 while the bar was based on ISO-8859-1. I don’t know if it could be possible to make the bar detect the encoding and use the appropriate characters… Would have to ask w0dk4
I’d like to be added
Link: http://www.xs4all.nl/~marends
Name: Eagle Utopia -
We on BSG - Exodus have some problems integrating it into this
<title><?php wp_title(''); if (function_exists('is_tag') and is_tag()) { ?>Tag Archive for <?php echo $tag; } if (is_archive()) { ?> archive<?php } elseif (is_search()) { ?> Search for <?php echo wp_specialchars($s,1); } if ( !(is_404()) && (is_search()) or (is_single()) or (is_page()) or (function_exists('is_tag') and is_tag()) or (is_archive()) ) { ?> | <?php } ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title><a title="" name="top"></a>* [Home](<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?> "Get back home..") It causes conflicts with the buttons of the Wordpress-pages. The only thing we can do is integrating it into the footer. Any suggestions?
Freeworlds RP Server
www.freeworlds.koh3.com -
@Freeworlds_Sushi: You first have to install the bar at your page to get added.
Hello Just had tried to validate my site and got some errors concerning the Network Bar. I will post what must be done so its again valid (some less changes tho)

must be changed to

furthermore the onMouseOver and onMouseOut java calls must are case sensitive and must be written in small letters: onmouseover and onmouseout
After having solved this my site was again W3C valid
Besides i have no clue what can be done about the following little problem:The bar now has some content and if i open the Freelancer Community Network window it reaches over my breadcrumbs part…. If i will move my mouse into the lower regions and move over the breadcrumb section the window is closes… Seems the window with the content is not open top most or something like this. Any ideas?
my site for a look is trf.mc-sig.deThanks in advance.
Huor -
That’s the Z-Index that’s playing up. I had the same issue. What you need to do is add “z-index: 999” into the style parameters for “flc_table” and “fl_community_hoverpopup”. That worked for me.
That’s the Z-Index that’s playing up. I had the same issue. What you need to do is add “z-index: 999” into the style parameters for “flc_table” and “fl_community_hoverpopup”. That worked for me.
great that was working
thx a lot. -
Wonderful idea w0dk4; I’d like you to add IMMORTAL to the clan section if you would. I’ll also inform the people at FLU.
www.immortalhq.com -
The Alliance would like to be added