as some of you might have noticed, the Wiki is rather…empty. I want you to change that. For this I also created a system example of new york, which can be found here:, the system description isn’t necessary, but from the article you can learn some wiki commands/syntaxes if you aren’t familiar with those.
Does anyone know a location where I can get TOTALLY explored navmaps?
(You can include pictures by using this syntax:
Just for the case that some of you (kinda like me, but I know a lil HTML) had syntax issues.
I will also create some example articles for equipment, I guess.
Could you also unprotect the main page btw?
Bas wrote:
T SP staff: Can you fix my code with the index? I also want the headline “New York” at the top of the article, above the index ^^
Done, even that I’m no Starport Staff!
just use TOC where you want your Table of Contents to be
you can also lookup some things in the MediaWiki help at -
I also want to point out the Wiki is so easy to use, it cannot be easier. When your logged in here, you can just go to the Wiki and write stuff.
So yeah, go contribute, the Wiki is awesome
Justice I/equipment entry example: -
Any way to have a sorted abc list btw?
I mean…automatically ^^For information like from which base the item is purchasable, weapon range, damage, etc. FreeLancer DataStorm is a great help: -
Just posted Rasauul’s Storyline Bible over there… Umm if anyones got an hour or so… It didnt turn out like it should have… bit messy im afraid… but its all there.
Sory bout that… im a wikinoob…
Lookup “Category” on Mediawiki; that’s how they do alphabetical lists and such and we have support for this.
I’m sorry but I’m not going to open up the Main Page. Feel free to PM me changes that you would like to see done, but I do not want it to be freely editable by anyone.
Eh…I mean an ABC list, not a category.
For instance, that all bases in NY will get listed alphabetical automatically.
Pimped NY a bit up ^
Either you use categories or you make a list by hand. It can’t guess what you want to do
It seems that at least for now the wiki gets filled a bit more. May I ask developers & server admins & players/users: Is there any reason why you aren’t contributing? Syntax questions? Anything else?
Cant Spelz… lolz…
Na seriously… I’ll be adding stuff from time to time… im just not a very touchy/wiki kinda guy :lol: & Adoxa’s stuff is keeping me pretty busy running to catch up…
BUT… there are alot of you that aren’t Tutorial shy… so yeah… why isn’t that place brimming/overflowing with information?..
Do you really want the wiki written by Bas & I?.. as fun as that concept is… hehe… More input is needed to fill in alot of gaps
Well I don’t contribute right now, because I’m heavily at work on FLSES
I simpy don’t have the Time to add anything to the wiki. When I finished FLSES I will include some things to the wiki, or at least help others to do so. -
I did the command line options and chat commands. Was going to add all the TRA attributes, but didn’t really see an appropriate section, plus with no comments on the forum topic, didn’t bother. Feel free to copy & paste.
Don’t forget that you are also allowed to create a server page at the wiki for some additional PR and advertisement
I just made some nav screenshots and uploaded them to my webspace: SP systems are missing, though. But they aren’t SUCH important.
Feel free to use them for the systems part of the wiki.
//Please use the new link to the navmap images, much faster webspace: someone with wiki knowledge (…>_> ^) remove the "system: "part of some articles + rename tohuko to tohoku?
(For instance, <- remove there “Systems:” )I will see if I am able to give every system a navmap by today
OK, I just included all navmap images.
Once the systems: thingies and the tohoku missspelling are solved I don’t see any reason why a button for a “Navmap” (or similiar term) can’t be created (near the FORUM/UNREAD/WIKI buttons)
Just link then to the systems page. -
Could someone with wiki knowledge (…>_> ^) remove the "system: "part of some articles + rename tohuko to tohoku?
(For instance, <- remove there “Systems:” )You can rename articles using the Move function, right under the Edit function.