Most of these can be client-side only as well, but they are pretty unstable, and are far from ready. I will soon post tutorials related to this, but I need to find more simple ways, because it’s just horribly confusing to make these.
Talk to Lancer Solarus, I’m sure he could program something up to make that easier once your done, I mean hes made editors for just about every other bloody format lol.
You mentioned you’ve been fiddling with the bloom effect, any clues as to how to do that ? I missed the thread on the last TLR incarnation about this so i’m really curious as to how. Or if anyone else knows for that matter
After talking to cheese, seems you’re the man with the answers as to the bloom effect. Care to enlighten us lesser mortals please?
download “GTA ViceCity/GTA3 v0.074f - this version contain convertor inside archive, see readme file.”
Thanks wodk4, it does make a difference doesn’t it? First few things i noticed were the suns, engines and weapons having a bit more glow to them, the kusari engines were really noticable. Have to play with the settings a bit more but makes it look better for sure. Thx again.
My problem is another one, when I drop it into the EXE directory the thing I immediately notice it, that our startup splashscreen is displayed in a much better quality.
However, activating it in game (shift+F12) makes every visible object red. Is it because of my graphics card (using an Nvidia FX5700 on this rig) or simply because I’m too dumb to set it up?
Go to the enbseries.ini file in the EXE folder (thats where it should be)
Find this section
DepthBias=0Only enable bloom, standard all options are enabled, and after some playing with those settings i came to the conclusion that bloom is the only thing what gives proper results.
;D ;D Here ;D ;D Fresh from my lab… so its still WIP but it’s the way im goin with it lol
[PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=0 InitProxyFunctions=1 ProxyLibrary= [GLOBAL] UseEffect=1 AlternativeDepth=0 AllowAntialias=1 BugFixMode=0 SkipShaderOptimization=0 QuadVertexBuffer=0 [EFFECT] EnableBloom=1 EnableOcclusion=0 EnableReflection=1 EnableMotionBlur=0 EnableWater=0 EnableShadow=1 DepthBias=0 [BLOOM] BloomFadeTime=8000 BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=78.6 BloomAdaptationMultiplier=8 BloomAllowOversaturation=0 BloomQuality=0 BloomPowerDay=8 BloomConstantDay=2 BloomCurveDay=-2 BloomScreenLevelDay=60 BloomPowerNight=46 BloomConstantNight=4 BloomCurveNight=6 BloomScreenLevelNight=30 [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=0 MaxAnisotropy=8 ForceDisplayRefreshRate=0 DisplayRefreshRateHz=70 [INPUT] KeyUseEffect=123 KeyBloom=123 KeyOcclusion=123 KeyReflection=123 KeyCombination=16 KeyShadow=123 KeyWater=123 [REFLECTION] ReflectionPower=84 ChromePower=10 UseCurrentFrameReflection=0 ReflectionQuality=0 ReflectionSourceSpecular=50 ReflectionSourceTFactor=50 UseAdditiveReflection=1 ReflectionDepthBias=100 UseLowResReflection=0 ReflectionSinglePass=1 UseEnvBump=1 EnvBumpAmount=100 EnvBumpOffset=100 [SSAO] UseFilter=1 OcclusionQuality=2 FilterQuality=2 DarkeningLevel=-40 BrighteningLevel=80 IlluminationLevel=80 AdditiveIlluminationLevel=80 UseAmbientOcclusion=1 UseIndirectLightning=1 FadeDistance=400 [COLORCORRECTION] DarkeningAmountDay=-40 ScreenLevelDay=60 ScreenLevelNight=30 DarkeningAmountNight=-40 GammaCurveDay=6 GammaCurveNight=8 ColorSaturationDay=0 ColorSaturationNight=0 UsePaletteTexture=0 [PLUGIN] WeatherMod=0 [WATER] UseWaterDeep=0 WaterDeepness=0 WaterQuality=0 [shadow] ShadowFadeStart=99 ShadowFadeEnd=999 ShadowAmountDay=60 ShadowAmountNight=30 ShadowScreenLevelDay=60 ShadowScreenLevelNight=20 ShadowQuality=0 UseShadowFilter=0 FilterQuality=1 ShadowBlurRange=30 [MOTIONBLUR] MotionBlurQuality=1 MotionBlurVelocity=10 MotionBlurRotation=10 [color][b]Experimental only!!.. handle with care...[/b][/color] -Xar. ;D [/shadow]
That setup is admitedlly good, although I would drop out the enabled [Effect]'s except Bloom. Other than that, I concur ;D
Lasse Blutströmen configured the INI a bit further. /info