Planets Distroyable
Can i make the planets distroyables if i can how i can do that ? please tell me and give me an example
I would have thought an object would need an sur file to register hits, I don’t think planets being sph files have one. Not even sure an sur file would attach itself to an sph file if you did make one. Answer to that requires more knowledge than I have.
I would say if you made planets from cmp files though, you could then have an sur and no doubt then be able to blow them up, would need an insanely large explosion effect though as a vanishing planet would look silly. You need a debris field the size of a huge asteroid belt to go with it too!
SPH have “built-in” SURs in that FL treats the SPH as a SUR at the same time. However, they’re still indestructible and couldn’t have fuses attached to them, since they have no hardpoints.
Making planets destructible requires having CMP planets, which tends to create issues (you wouldn’t be able to have an atmosphere, for instance). Furthermore, it’s almost certain that the planet would look weird just disappearing, even if you had some huge explosion for it.
i imagine this as a 4 step process:
1. create a CMP and SUR for your “planet” and texture it
2. add a microscopic dummy world inside the skin of the planet (like a 1 size, undiscoverable, no name planet) and make the docking ring go to that.
3. Move the docking ring to the proper position so it looks like your mirage planet is real.
4. Here’s the tricky part: You need a way to deny all access after the destruction of the shell. So, you’d need this to be part of a scripted sequence so you can make the docking ring “locked”I imagine its easy in single player, but multiplayer might be harder.