Hack request: Define Internal/external equipment
O.M.G.!!! i totally missed this due to it getting buried on the new posts list (which really should be more than 5 these days… hmm).
Thank you so very much… this is a problem i’ve had with XLR since the cloaks were made hookable (and not some dark dirty secret…) man… don’t think im going to sleep till well into today now… hehe
Hum…is safe to add cloaking device to weapon list to make cloaking device able to be activate by click?
In all honesty your still better off using hook to trigger them… and define the cooldowns/warmups.
I really like the CM idea as a cloak is a CM and not an offensive weapon… mix it up with docklocks and 88flak’s hook and you can really make players work for there special little addon. This now means i don’t have to inflate the shipmarkets with cloak “copys” and can realize my dream of allowing any ship to cloak provided the player has met the requirements to buy set cloak…
Oh happy day
EDIT:… just tested it online and off… flawless 8-) obviously your just cloaked in SP and that’s what i expected as im using hook to fire em in MP… but man… this was like the “holy grail” of FL problems (for me at least)… and you just smashed it to pieces! Muchos Kudos
I actually want to find a way to make player can enable cloak fastly, enter /cloak in chat bit slow
NeXoSE wrote:
I actually want to find a way to make player can enable cloak fastly, enter /cloak in chat bit slowI believe the folks at Tekagi’s Treasure managed to define it to a hotkey, but if I remember correctly, they use FLAC. Maybe ask them?
cloak/uncloak by using a key, is a feature of FLAC
cursor wrote:
cloak/uncloak by using a key, is a feature of FLACAh, so it is a FLAC feature. Thanks Cursor.
Hum, Im back there and seriously ask about the simpler way to activate cloak drive… I don’t have FLAC, and with FLHook, players need to enter “/cloak” to engaging cloak…but if they in combat, they already dead then typing…
SO, list the cloak drive on the hub and make it can be activated by click is the good way i think…
You know cloak drive can be control on server activate/deactivate so there may no problem about cloak limit like cooling time.
I just worry about if the “cloak cheat” back again… if we don’t have this problem, why we make player more enjoy with cloak?
just do a client dll that sends /cloak on a key press
its not hard i can do one if you want
then no need to do hacks or that -
@kosacid, client dll? that’s good and enough for me in this case. So if you willing to make a plugin, i will like it.
btw, can you make the plugin hook the USER_CLOAK key too?
Im thinking how to use cloak in the appropriately way, but only problem is, how to limit cloak in specific ships.
For exp: I have 2 cloak drive for different ship class, one for fighter, other some for battleship.
The fighter cloak take long time to cloak (because no enough energy to fully charge the drive at once), but use lesser power.
The battleship cloak only take 3secs to cloaked, but use further power.Now i want fighter just use fighter cloak, battleship just use battleship cloak.
To prevent fighter use battleship cloak is easy, just make cloak drive with large cargo volume, but this not prevent battleship use fighter’s cloak. How to solve this problem with game function itself? any idea please?
just add it to dacom.ini and drop the dll into your exe folder when you press left ctrl c and left ctrl u
you will cloak and uncloakhmm the old problem of bs ships using fighter gear
you would have to put a lvl on them so they aint mountable
ill have a look at it when i have time ive never realy looked at the cloaking stuff -
WOW, Thanks for the plugin and all your efforts!
Yeah, from me too! I’ll check it out the moment I have time for that.
EDIT: I mounted it like this:
equip = cloak_fighter, HpCM01 ```It didn't work this way. Do I have to make it a market good and buy it? Or just add a "class"?
see in owere mod they come with the ship you cant buy them
but the problem i see if you selling them is exactly what you have
if they were classed like a gun the slot they go into a bs set it to say lvl9 and the fighter slot to lvl10
basicly the fighter cloak is lvl10 a bs cant mount
and im prity sure you cant class them
maby a server side control is needed
maby a list of the ships with the cloak times
or a list on what class of ships can use what cloaksso let me get this right NeXoSE your selling them ?
im a bit confused like TheDvDMan say his comes with the ship@TheDvDMan addon = cloak_nomad, HpCloak01, 1
also needs a slot added to the model -
So it works only if it comes in a ship’s pack? Because I planned on selling them, and making them mountable as Countermeansures (to make a fair play).
kosacid wrote:
so let me get this right NeXoSE your selling them ?
im a bit confused like TheDvDMan say his comes with the shipI can’t give the list because my mod under developing so there is no new ship have been added.
But if i cannot make the cloak can be use by limited ships, i may still go in the old way to sell cloak with ship and make it cannot be unmount.
@DVD, hey, you may try to add a new slot for your ship like this:
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCloak01
then you can by and mount cloak in right slot which be supported by FLHook.
im looking at hook all it looks for if its mounted
and the settings for it in the ini file
it will cloak
basicly its looking for the name in the mounted devices
so i dont see why its not working apart from maby you dont have it in the ini file -
@NeXoSE you will be suplying the ini with ship names and settings not me lol
the ini will be some thing like this[CloakDevices]
shipname=55000, 25000, 10000so no matter what cloak is mounted it will be set to that time
gives you more control over how long it will stay cloaked and cool down
and the cloak list just contains the names of course it depends on what mounted what fx you will get -
But even that, player still able to get the cloak and install it to their ship (But cloak drive will not work on their ship), right?
I think this will make player confused then they want to buy a cloak supported ship. And back to the way, this will not solve my problem: How to limit cloak drives can be mount to the correct ship class.
So, sell cloak with ship still is the best way so far…
But thank you for your job, maybe someone else need it
common.dll 139B74 905332->F0672F = *untested* use gun hp_type for cloaking device ~He||oween