Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
offsets were bad, sorry for spamming folk xd
bad offset
disregard my two posts above and sorry for spamming
I thought they were working well until I found an epic bug with docking behaviour
but I cant replicate it now, if someone can test it and confirm this offset is fine
it would be appreciated
(by logic, it just removes seperation between a player and a NPC, which they use thrusters)common.dll+763B6 "Formation members will use their thrusters" 84 C0 -> 90 90
Contact list switch before launch freelancer.exe+CF4E6 Part 1 33 F6 -> B3 04 (00 important, 01 ships, 02 solar, 03 loot, 04 all) freelancer.exe+CF500 Part 2 89 B5 -> 89 9D freelancer.exe+CF4EF Part 3 89 B5 -> 89 8D freelancer.exe+CF517 Part 4 89 B5 -> 89 8D
Distance in which player names will appear freelancer.exe+1D95A8 3000 float default
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorreplied to Venemon on 21 Jan 2024, 16:05 last edited by
@Venemon said in Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques:
Contact list switch before launch
Amazing work man! I’ll get these and your new offsets added to the wiki once again
here are some
Group formation enable/disable distance common.dll+13FBD8 0639FBD8 25000000 float (5.0km)
Enable formation with hostiles common.dll+13F540 0639F540 -0.6 to -2.0 float (rep)
Disable cruise charge text freelancer.exe+D5F53 8A 47 54 -> B0 00 90
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorreplied to Venemon on 29 Jan 2024, 11:21 last edited by IrateRedKite 29 Jan 2024, 11:35
@Venemon Great work man! Really cool to see you putting more of these out. I’m going to hold off posting these on the wiki for a little bit as we’re currently redoing the formatting of it a bit to allow better categorization and filtering.
For those interested, we’ll be generating the page from a json payload, much like the crash offsets page. Here’s a few samples of what’s included. I want to try and link out to the post the offset was noted in for context, as well as including a date where we can find it:
A simple byte swap:
{ "moduleName": [ "freelancer.exe" ], "original": [ "E8 04 95 FD FF" ], "replacement": [ "90 90 90 90 90" ], "offset": [ "0x18B147" ], "author": "BC46", "description": "Disables the UI character typing text sounds completely.", "dateAdded": 0, "categories": [ "audio" ] },
A multipart offset:
{ "moduleName": [ "common.dll", "common.dll" ], "original": [ "DD 05 D0 E2 39 06 D9 FF", "C7 44 24 24 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 2C 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 30 00 00 80 3F C7 44 24 34 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 3C 00 00 00 00 DD 05 D0 E2 39 06 D9 FE D9 C1 D9 5C 24 20 D9 54 24 28" ], "replacement": [ "D9 E8 D9 E0 D9 EE D9 C1", "D9 54 24 20 D9 5C 24 30 D9 54 24 24 D9 54 24 28 D9 54 24 2C D9 54 24 34 D9 54 24 3C D9 44 24 54 D9 E0 D9 5C 24 54 D9 44 24 60 D9 E0 D9 5C 24 60 D9 44 24 48 D9 E0 D9 5C 24 48" ], "offset": [ "0x06191E", "0x061941" ], "author": "Gold_Sear", "description": "Swap vertical component of trade lane travel in previous direction. This fixes issues with vertically oriented trade lanes.", "dateAdded": 1254560320, "categories": [ "tradelanes" ], "url": "" },
A value adjustment
{ "moduleName": [ "common.dll" ], "original": [ "1.2f" ], "offset": [ "0x07637F" ], "author": "Cannon", "description": "Formation catch up cruise speed multiplier. Outside of trail range common.dll 0x075B36; values above variable located at 0x1407A0 will be ignored.", "dateAdded": 0, "categories": [ "cruise" ] },
Converting these across by hand in bulk is a bit soul-destroying, so if someone wants to pitch in and take a page to convert to json, it’d be much appreciated! otherwise you can expect an update to the page structure at some point in the next few months.
Pub::Player:PopUpDialog wont pause the game/lock controls Freelancer.exe+8A521 (wont pause SP) 75 12 -> EB 12 Freelancer.exe+8A53D (wont lock) 01 -> 00
((OUTDATED)) (use BC46’s offset)
Prevent activated CM fire by right click Freelancer.exe+134AB8 FF 52 10 8A D8 -> B3 00 90 90 90
Common.dll+75B36 Formation force to cruise distance 500f (if "formation will use their thruster offset" is applied, ships will use their thruster to reach their targets unless they engage cruise)
Turn off auto-generated commodity sell/buy locations detail inside equipment/commodity tab Freelancer.exe+6FA17 01 -> 00
This post is deleted!
Market informations of stations
-While docked- Turn off Stations commodity sell/buy information from Information Box Freelancer.exe+75112 01 -> 00 Turn off Stations equipment sell information from Information Box Freelancer.exe+75121 01 -> 00 Turn off Stations ship sell information from Information Box Freelancer.exe+75130 01 -> 00
-while undocked- Turn off Stations market information from Information Box Freelancer.exe+75C68 01 -> 00
-Nav map- Turn off Stations commodity sell/buy information from Nav Map Freelancer.exe+97B7F 01 -> 00 Turn off Stations equipment sell information from Nav Map Freelancer.exe+97B8E 01 -> 00 Turn off Stations ship sell information from Nav Map Freelancer.exe+97B9D 01 -> 00
@Venemon : Wow, a nice bunch of offsets you got there! While the reformatting of the list is underway, I’ll keep your offsets in my version of the list at KraftFragment. Your post #1043 actually solves #4 of my to do list! Thanks a lot for that!
From your post #1050: this offset was already found by me in 2015. Be careful to check whether your found offsets are already in the list!@IrateRedKite said in Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques:
pitch in and take a page to convert to json
I could help with that, especially since I know the history of many of these offsets in the list.
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorreplied to Gold_Sear on 4 Feb 2024, 22:46 last edited by
@Gold_Sear said in Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques:
I could help with that, especially since I know the history of many of these offsets in the list.
That would be excellent! I’d say just pick a page or pages, and I’ll skip over them. I’m planning to put a bit of work into ‘Damage, Repair and Collision Offsets’ and ‘Docking and Jumping Offsets’ tomorrow, hopefully finishing them.
I also accidentally uploaded the partly-done json to the repository here, and will likely keep updating it, so do feel free to put a PR in with the section you pick in the commit message, and I’ll handle any merges.
Well, for starters, give me the ‘Visibility’ section. Also, “tradelane travel speed” is by Lord of Lunacy, not adoxa. Should I find more mistakes, can I take the liberty to correct them?
EDIT: @Venemon : unfortunately, your “Contact list switch before launch” doesn’t work for me; it switches between ‘important’ and nothing if I alter the ‘04’ byte from Part 1 (even after testing different values).
EDIT2: Ah, I was logged out of github, that’s why I couldn’t edit.
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorreplied to Gold_Sear on 8 Feb 2024, 15:39 last edited by
@Gold_Sear said in Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques:
Well, for starters, give me the ‘Visibility’ section. Also, “tradelane travel speed” is by Lord of Lunacy, not adoxa. Should I find more mistakes, can I take the liberty to correct them?
Please feel free to correct mistakes! A good chunk of the move over to json thus far has been done in bulk on my night shift when it’s quiet, so I’ve almost certainly missed a few things/copy-pasted the wrong field here and there
I assume its working now? -
Gold_Sear Wiki Contributorreplied to Venemon on 8 Feb 2024, 19:37 last edited by Gold_Sear 8 Mar 2024, 11:19
@Venemon Oddly, yes. I don’t know what happened before, as I double-checked. Well, all good now.
EDIT: is there a reason you include the unchanged bytes in your offsets? I omit them in KraftFragment.
While the list is under construction, my text-formatted version can be found at KraftFragment, which gets updated regularly. I plan to eventually turn all the offsets to adoxa’s Bwpatch’s format, but that could take a while…
@IrateRedKite: do you plan to actually make the json payload the ‘official’ version of the list and hence discard the current md-based version?