Matching NPC toughness to Player
Trying to run server-side:
crash at content.dll; 1.0.1254.11; 000592f6
rename the file to MatchPlayer.dat and then
use DLL = MatchPlayer.datProblems solved!
adoxa wrote:
look at MatchPlayer.cpp for notes and how to install. -
rsabatino wrote:
yeah i checked out the file after i found out i can open it in note book . did everything it said and it didnt workrename the file to MatchPlayer.dat and then
use DLL = MatchPlayer.dat instead, see if that works for you, it did for me. -
Sure does!
All it does is change the encounter toughness - if your factions don’t have ships to match it, I think they’ll go as high as they can. To see for yourself, try it in vanilla - around Buffalo Base you’ll see Outcasts flying Sabres (if your own level is high enough, of course).
Thx Adoxa not tested yet - see it works at MP
Looks like fun
Got time to test - works for MP !
I know this is an old thread but I’ve been testing this on a test server that I setup running FLHook 2.0.0, it indeed matches the job board to the players rank but it seems that missions where it states that NPC’s will meet up to assist you don’t seem to have any of these friendly NPC’s fighting alongside you. Is this a bug? Or are the hostile NPC’s killing the friendly backup before the player even arrives because they are too weak? I was testing this in New York btw.
EDIT: On some of the missions it works, i’m wondering if it has something to do with the game not having high enough level NPC’s to match the ones that i’m fighting in those systems.
I also tried it in Kyushu and Honshu. On the mid level missions I was getting support from level 9 to 11 NPC’s, on the top level missions that were paying $150k+ I wasn’t getting any support. Pretty sure if I modded in some level 18-19’s the game would match them up.