Getting the mod online
Hi guys
As you might have read my friend and I have plans to start our own server. Funny enough, we have encountered a rather stupid problem - we can’t get the server online and connect to the global server. Bit of a bad start lol.
We are probably overlooking something simple. Could someone please give us a handy step-by-step list about the things you gotta do to make the server connect to the global server and get it online. Please also list the simple stuff, it’s easy to overlook those.
Thanks a lot in advance, we appreciate it.
Check your firewall, make sure FLServer is being allowed through and/or that ports 2302-2304 (UDP and TCP) are open for both incoming and outgoing traffic.
Ensure that FLServer is listening for network traffic. Use the Command Line tool (cmd) and run
This will list the ports that are listening. In the list should be your ip address and one of the ports above listed, for example:
If you’re running it on a home network make sure your router is forwarding traffic for the ports above to the correct computer and IP address. Port forwarding settings can usually accessed though the router home page. should cover all you need for the GLS.
Hope this helps.
I don’t know much about this sort of stuff, but I believe you have to use the “GLS workaround” or whatever it’s called to get a server online nowadays. If you’re not using it then that could be why.
If you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about then say so and someone can explain it to you.
Thank you guys for the replies.
I think we have the problem identified - we were running the server on Windows 7. When we switched to XP we were at least able to connect directly to the server. Now we are waiting to get our server up in the server list, which should be sorted shortly.
If not, I will probably post again lol.
Ok guys we fixed part of the problem , the server is up and running , all the files have been editied by hand ( freelancer.ini ) and the global server patch is installed . the problem lies in the global list not being accessed , its been well over 3 hours now and still no connection to the global list. I had maveric direct connect to the server box via our ip and everything is fine , he got on without a problem being he is in europe and the server box is in the US , all the ports have been fowarded and we have connection to the outside world … JUST not the global list , anyone have an idea or something i might not not know ( its been 5 years since i did anything with a freelancer server ) If so i would love the feed back , been at this problem all day and its getting tiresome …
thanks in advance
Lord Akira
Quick note on Windows 7 - IPv6 and FL dont mesh. Disable IPv6 if you get a hexidecimal addy instead of a standard IP, that’s your issue.
sorry i’m not using win 7 for the server box , its running on win xp sp 2
Just saying as a general note for any Win 7, client or server. IPv6 does not mesh well with FL
no problem bud , I still cant figure it out , been 12 hours working on this problem and im about to call it night , If anyone comes up with a fix please let me know , we are trying franticly on getting it up and running for the public but for now only direct ip can be used and im sorry but only my admins have that access for server and my networks safety
Still anyone with any helpfull insight on this please contact me or leave a reply
note to all , we got the server online now and its in the global too … thnks
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