Problem with Nexus The Jupiter Incident1999msh Importer
Hello all! I am a big fan of this game and I wanted to make a model pack of the ships of this game for Freelancer. I wanted to import some Raptor ships as Hunter and Killer, but there is a big problem. MS3D crash when I import both of them. I didn’t try Vadrags and Shadow ships. So is it an error of MS3D version? If yes? With which version does it works?
There’s a converter that turns the ships into .obj, somewhere.
I’ve used it, but I can’t find it after a quick look on google or my harddrive.It’s much better than the importer for their file type, in my opinion, at least. Itcleans the ships of their hardpoints and stuff, which at least for me was great.
If you can’t find the converter, send me a PM with the ships you want, and I’ll zip 'em up for you and send them your way.
You’ll need to get the textures yourself, but the UV mapping is still good so it’s just a case of importing the maps again.
Thank you guy! I try now the link is here.
Yeah, that’s the one.
The Earth ships have a metric buttload of textures on them, though, it’s silly.For the ones you want, they’re pretty easy from what I remember.
OK And for animated parts, they are all combined with not animated parts
that’s realy strange, so I will use the 1999Importer when I can import ships with it. Say me good luck! XD It will be difficult to release the pack with all of my difficulties at school -_-'. I will make new surs files and add normal maps in the mats. More works to do!
Ahh, yeah didn’t think of animations.
Well, I look forward to seeing what you come up with. :3
Gorgs ships will be the easiest, there are no glitches with theme.
BTW, Nexus is an awesome Game with exellent graphics and amazing scenario as far as a fabulous gameplay.
Did you remember how it was difficult to destroy all Gorgs ships on the 3rd episode Mission 1? And to save all Vadrags when you are near their outpost?