Save Homeworld
Came across this on my travels across the Internet
I always liked Homeworld and would like to see a HW3 at some point. They need to raise $50,000 to buy the franchise and get development going again.Help put the Homeworld franchise back in the hands of gamers. Save Homeworld from bankruptcy and fund Homeworld 3 and Homeworld Classic on Touch Devices!
Good thing about Star citizen, nexus and elite is we know who the people asking for money are and what they can do based on past form. Absolutely no idea who these people are so I’m steering well clear of this one.
Yeah, don’t support that thing. 50k isn’t enough to buy the IP, let alone dealing with lawyer fees and source code issues.
The guys also have absolutely no relations with Relic or Homeworld, and the campaign is flexible funding which means they keep the money regardless of whether they achieve their goal or not.
Steer clear of this one if you don’t want to get ripped off.
Good advise there. I asked the question why they don’t use Kickstarter for more exposure, but haven’t gotten an answer yet. Still, would be nice to see HW on GOG.
Yeah I saw this project too and after reading some of the info on their page I took another look at the $$ they’re asking and I simply closed the page the next second.
They didn’t make it however, there was a change in the sell off date so they started again on kickstarter.
So far they have 44k with 5 days to go so spread the word if you want to see Homeworld 3.
Or, again, don’t, because those guys have no chance in hell of getting the IP for the kind of cash they’re asking, and so all of this looks like a giant publicity stunt and perhaps even a scam.
Didn’t they say they raised like 15k from the other campaign already ? So why do they still need exactly 50k, why not 35 ? Anyway, I’m with FF on this one.
This Save Homeworld thing is old…I don’t think Homeworld is dead, especially HW2. They have a forum section of their own on Relic’s offic. forums ie. and HW3 is like FL2: It will not happen. Deal with it.
Gearbox have snapped it up, you might say they outbid these guys ever so slightly
Well … I guess that sucks
but that sum does seem to be better fitted for a game so well known as Homeworld is.
RIP Homeworld! I hug my HW boxes now.