Librelancer 2022.02
if you could make a similar Unity API level, then my tech demo could run without Unity
A little bump on this project. It’s been re-named to Librelancer, and I’ve switched from MonoGame to proper OpenGL 3.2. Most of New York is rendering properly, next up I’ll be implementing nebulae.
Looking great, fantastic work !!
Will be good to make compatibility with oss fl server or even concatinate
A few years progress, and now there is a demo!
seems to crash everytime I try it
sorry my game wasnt vanilla, thats why it crashedlooking good so far
Wow, I’m mad impressed by the way you’re able to display that much using just native Freelancer files. This is great stuff.
By the way, it crashes on me if I have my joysticks plugged in. I don’t know if it’s because of those two specific sticks (Saitek X-55) or if it’s because with them plugged in I have 4 controllers available, but I figured I’d let you know. Here’s the crash I get:
Works great with vanilla, looking forward to this
Why485: Thanks for the info!
If you can reproduce that with a test project based on please file a bug report there, since this is an OpenTK bug. If you can’t reproduce it there I’ll update my opentk reference to match current git master -
Updated with screenshots of Nebula work. New demo to come soon, but I want to iron out some issues and implement asteroid fields first
A new release!
Ichiru wrote:
A new release!Where?
In the OP?
This is what Fort Bush will look like once I can get the matrices to behave themselves: (Click for full size)
Unfortunately, getting the exhausts to orient correctly introduced a bunch of regressions elsewhere. Until I figure it out, all the exhausts shoot the wrong way. Progress is progress, though!
I see on your github page that LibreLancer is a re-implementation of freelancer in C#. What will this allow modders and players to do once you reach a final release stage? Will it be more moddable than the original? Please enlighten me on the features and advantages in a more noobish way since I can not grasp all the technical terms/
Once Librelancer gets closer to version 1.0 (and full Vanilla compatibility) it’s going to provide a lot of benefits.
For players:
Per-pixel lighting
Multi-core utilisation
macOS and Linux support
Better behaviour on modern windows: Using modern maintained APIs instead of ancient DirectX and DirectPlay means increased performance + less weird bugs.
For modders it’s a little more interesting, the biggest benefit I can see coming out of Librelancer is extremely improved error handling. In cases where Freelancer just crashed to desktop, Librelancer should output at the -very- minimum a stack trace of where the error occurred (like in RenderMaterial.Draw() or GameObject.Update()), if not much more detailed error information. Having source available also means that literally anything can be changed, and better plugins than FLHook (which is very tempermental) should be available.
Sounds good. I wish you all the best for your project. Godspeed pilot/develepor/apache helicopter
This is awesome. I love your enthusiasm for this. As Why said, it’s extremely impressive what you’ve been able to render using native assets. Keep it up!
Ichiru wrote:
In the OP?Thanks, when I logged in, I just saw this page. 8-)