Connectivity Issues
Note the circled part.
Windows Vista Home Premium
This is constant, no matter what server I play on, whether or not I use mods. As soon as I make a new player and launch to space, it starts. First blink is yellow, then red computers for abut 10 seconds until it gives the error message that says “Connection to server has been lost, may be server side or intermittent lag etc. etc. etc.”
I have tried every other solution the I have found, switched to AVG Free antivirus, disabled Vista’s IvP6, turned off windows firewall, global workaround, yet the problem persists.
If I remember correctly, the red computers are a sign of losing connection with the server, though no other internet-using programs are running, and I have no trouble reconnecting (which gives the same result).Now What?
Reinstall XP?
Looks a little, as if your firewall (router?) might hit
(not necessary FL, so i think lot firewalls block everything, when disturbed). -
what router you working with? could be a problem there, could be a NAT issue (dunno about anyone else but ive had it :D)
FL runs with UDP connections, routers aren’t realy happy with that these days.
Did you use this same router when playing with a winXP machine? -
I think It might be the router, which is a D-Link (I know, but my dad needed it for work).
Firewall is off while I play, so I don’t think that’s an issue.
I’m not going back to XP. I am one of those wierdos who is very happy with Vista. Vista is great, you just need to be prepared to strip it down and make it your bitch, show it who’s in charge.
I don’t know anything about NAT, but Halo 3 on my 360 (connected to the same network) whines at me about NAT too, so I’ll look into it.
As for UDP, which ports need to be opened? When I did have XP, i used a different router, but only played single-player, so I don’t have any info on that.
EDIT: Found the UDP Ports, 2302-2304. I’ll open these on the firewall, but I still have to figure out my rotuer and NAT. -
NAT is not needed for FL and has less to do with UDP or not. Its basically used to reference your clients in your network over the inet. so easily said it translates your IPs into different ports for you router. I don’t think that this should have any effect on the connection with UDP, cause UDP don’t need any connection
UDP is a connectionless transfer method.
The ports for fl are somewhat above 2300 - 2305 (?)… But could it be that this will be other ports on your router… (don’t know very much about to configure routers for this)
Ok, I opened the firewall ports, router ports pending, and I have managed to get some limited time on the server. I’ll keep tryng to streamline the connection, any other ideas?
Just to see if your router is really the culprit, try putting your computer as DMZ host and deactivate any port forwarding. If it works, it means there’s a problem with the ports being routed incorrectly.
You should be able to find how to put an IP as DMZ in your router’s manual, if you don’t know how already.
Be advised that staying as DMZ is not recommended, especially with the firewall off. This is simply a troubleshooting step.
Actually I think it’s ok now. I’ve been able to get on the server, and any downtime was either a lagspike (which happens) or server-side. Thanks for all the support, see you on the front lines.
Glad to see you’ve got it all fixed up