USB probs after win update?
don’t diss windows. It might be buggy, but you’d complain about lack of flexibility with mac and god knows what with linux.
EDIT:? Where’d my Avatar go?
Oh I’m happier with WinXp than most of the other stuff I’ve used. Thought NT4 was nice and sleek, stuck with that for quite a while, just sucked having little gaming support. The new versions of Linux seem to be… hrm I dunno I preferred Redhat 5.2
Their window managers are getting a bit more polished and user friendly, but feels more disconnected as well.I’m using XP64 at the moment -kinda a pain getting 64 bit native progs, but much of the 32 bit still works ok.
Might not even be the updates, did a restore and mousey is still going nuts. Dont really feel like forkin out 80 bucks for a new one though
edit: guess it could have just been a timely coincidence
Service Pack 3 is the devil. nuff said lol
80 bucks for a mouse? well a logic g7 costs bout 500 down here so…
(rambling thoughts are a way of as yet misunderstood super-intelligent communication :D)I paid about $5 for mine, I I don’t have to worry about batteries.
500 bucks for a g7… good lord man, they better come platinum plated for that much.
I’d go with anything that felt good with 7 buttons, which also wouldn’t break after a week.
O, and running sp2 still. Usually choose only available updates that actually apply to things I use regularly -or are connected to them.
so other than screw up windows even more, what does SP3 do?
I’m also running SP3. For once, I didn’t waste a day rebooting 30 times to update my computer when I reformatted; SP3 did it all in one quick sweep.