Making war between factions
I got a good formation:
nickname = rheinland_battleship_wall
pos = 0, 0, -55
pos = 250, 100, -350
pos = -250, -100, -350
pos = 250, -100, 200
pos = -250, 100, 200
pos = 325, -50, -350
pos = -325, 50, -350
pos = 375, 50, 325
pos = -375, -50, 325
pos = 0, 125, -300
pos = 0, 150, -150
pos = 0, 175, 0
pos = 0, 150, 150
pos = 0, -175, -300
pos = 0, -175, -150
pos = 0, -175, 0
pos = 0, -175, 150
pl_pos = 0, 0, 0with this encounter:
ship_by_class = 1, 1, CAPITALS
pilot_job = assault_leader_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 4, 4, sc_cruisers
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 4, 4, sc_gunboats
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
ship_by_class = 8, 8, sc_fighters
pilot_job = assault_job
make_class = wanderer
formation_by_class = battleships
behavior = wander
arrival = cruise
allow_simultaneous_creation = no
zone_creation_distance = 400
times_to_create = infinite[Creation]
permutation = 0, 1Be careful, formations don’t allow more than 17 positions + 1 player position!
The encounter is good for this formation if you use 1 Rheinland Battleship, 4 RH Cruisers, 4 RH Gunboats and the rest RH elite fighterts.
vanilla fl factions do not have proper battleships and cruisers defined.
Just do it.
The shipclasses I used in this encounter are vanilla defined, you need just the npcships. -
Search for encounters in tutorials and downloads.
And also factions in the same places.
You need to understand what to do first.
Wow guys, you don’t need to cunfuse the poor guy too much…
There is a Battleship Encouncers mod that comes with the FLMM LOL. If you want you can upgrade it, like was done in most of the mods.
I just think its too much… Like 10 fighters? Is crazy! I think a good fight would be a fair fight with just not that much ships, like: 1 Battleship, 2 Cruisers/Destroyers, 3 Gunboats, and about 5 Bombers or Fighters. -
Agree, but it is also important to give more info on how to DIY encounters, because others may come here looking for similar help too.
Of course they are…