Model Pack
Looks promising, but I can neither do SURs nor Hardpoints. Isn’t there a vid tutorial on utilizing CMPs for FL?
If you don’t know how to create surs, take a look there: how to create hardpoints, take a look on this: -
Actually, I need to model the mount points in my model, to give clues as to where to put the Hardpoints.
By all means Gisteron, credit the hell out of them if you want to, I was referring to myself, not the original creators who’ve long since disappeared I fancy.
I’d love to help you out Helloween, but the link is working fine and I can’t understand a word on that site to upload there. I uploaded to TSP yesterday as well, in the ‘other’ section, probably just waiting for someone to authorise it.
Timmy51m wrote:
I’d love to help you out Helloween, but the link is working fine and I can’t understand a word on that site to upload there. I uploaded to TSP yesterday as well, in the ‘other’ section, probably just waiting for someone to authorise it. -
Here you go chief
Timmy51m wrote:
Here you go chiefAwesome! Where i may give you ‘like’?
One of the model ingame from Jeider
We’re not all students….
Really nice model you’ve got there !
Ah, will tell Jeider to use max exporter
is there a new version of the Max exporter then?
Not bad
should enjoy this ^_^
Custom Liberty Textures from RenderG (EG HQ) eited by me and some FXAA Tool fx’es