Sur file
So, I’m having trouble getting this to work. It looks to fit 100%, but while in game I can shoot/fly right through it. Any ideas why? Also using piper’s cmp exporter, it seems to drastically changes the size of the station. Maybe I’m not coding something right. Also there is a way to tell the radius of the station but I have forgotten so much of the years. Any how do I do that as well?
Tried importing into max. Throws a runtime error - “Referenced index range exceeds VMeshData boundary”. So, something is wrong with the model to start with.
There is a scale slider on the ms3d cmp exporter 0.3 - always make sure its set at 1. If you used the scale down function it does odd things the object centers which you really dont want. If you dont have access to max use the obj-sur convertor for surs. It doesnt work 100% of the time but you can at least get a working sur out of it unlike the ms3d exporter which I assume youve used here as your sur is an impossible amount of individual triangles. As Treewyrm says - use the maxlancer exporter if you can. It really is the tool we should have had 19 years ago.
This error indicates some triangle vertices are outside of vertex buffer, in game this may result in corrupted graphics as it will blindly read memory outside and interpret it as attribute data. This is pretty bad.
I would suggest importing source .obj into 3ds max and assembling model there (including hardpoints and hitboxes), done right the result will be 3db (or cmp for multipart) with sur file.
Meanwhile here’s your model (in .3db) with a nice hitbox and a little extra.
p.s. Hah, just realized this was a gravedig. Nicely played, kids )
Yeah, I don’t have 3ds max or I would use that exporter. I just check price of it, that’s pretty expensive. But it’s a professional tool, so there’s that. I did figure out kinda why it didn’t work. I forgot to use the convex tool in Milkshape. Once I used it, I got pretty close to a exact sur to model shape that works. Just takes a bit of time to do. Also is piper’s ms tools the most update tool for ms?
@Treewyrm I’m guessing you probably use 3ds for more then Freelancer with the price tag that comes along with it.
I did my tools for 3ds Max because I’m much more familiar with it. Until someone makes equivalent for Blender, but that probably won’t be me. Maxlancer is open source and there are lots of comments to help figure out how Freelancer formats are put together for anyone willing to try.
Piper’s plugins for Milkshape may have been the latest of the bunch but they too haven’t been updated in a very long time, and like tools from that era they have plenty bugs, mostly from insufficient information about data structures in formats.
Large .sur size is indicative of a bad export: some tools “break” concave meshes into double-sided triangle hull per mesh face. Accumulative BVH offset drift bug in obj2sur only exacerbates the issue and results in unstable hitbox. Freelancer collision physics are fine as long as you feed it correctly pre-calculated and well optimized data.