Models giveaway
Small update on the model. I changed a bit the engine pods and added a few more details and guns:
Nice Sol!
Reminds me of Black Prophecy. Still can’t believe they screwed that up, was a beautiful game. If only they’d delivered a normal space sim instead of an mmo, would have been such a different story.
100% agree ! That game was so soooo impressive but that lag made it pretty much unplayable for me
But I believe they might be coming with a SP version after all, guess we’ll have to wait and see if that’s what all this secrecy is about: -
Are you serious? What have you heard Sol? It makes sense not to waste all those assets, considering space sims are making such a comeback it would seem.
It’s just chatter that I picked up on mate, that along with the website does make you wonder a bit about what they’re up to, but it might just all be fan dreams
We’ll see. -
meshes…meshes…y no textures
Patience you must have my young padawan :))))))))
A texture for this will come as soon as I get some free time mate
massdriver wrote:
meshes…meshes…y no texturesBecause textures are a pain to create
I took a break from my spaceships this month and I decided to make this Santa model in response to that latest Volvo commercial, which I really really like :)))))
(Live Test 7). Printable Santa 3D model.
Santa has had his ups and downs, his fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds but that’s what made him what he is today. Now he stands here before you. What you see is a gift inside a box crafted to perfection, a pair of reindeers that defy every order they get and a mindset to master the most epic of splits.
Forget Van Damme and Chuck Norris, those guys are pussies ! This year Santa is teaching them all how an epic split is properly done ! -
LoL that is very good!
Have a Merry Christmas dude, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody
Ha! You crazy fool! Merry Christmas Sol