FL might support Bump Maps and other features
But if its a only tech demo then way it was at E3 at1999, 2000,and 2001
O and DA originaly planed to Release FL in 2001well digital anvil planned alot of stupid stuff and the plans changed as fast as the developers and project managers came and went again (afterall FL was never supposed to be what it is… now)
And Starlancer has a different UI color and arrangement an the textures are 32 bit not 16 and 8 bit bmp’s usin palletes
http://www.firingsquad.com/games/starlancer/images/11.jpgat no point ive said that its the final release of SL, but it for sure is SL with the SL ships, the SL cockpits, the SL graphics -> software mode
OPR8R if you have the Beta can you upload it please
no i cant, or better said… i wont
its just not worth to break the agreements -
OPR8R wrote:
@FF - so oppinions contrary to the official TSP one are not allowed anymore?
oh and my work never stuck with the 2003 graphics… i just use different methods to create eyecandyOhh, I’m scared. You don’t notice you only come out of your cave to slander? This isn’t a matter of opinions: making the game ported to DX9 WILL ALWAYS RESULT IN BETTER FIDELITY.
If you can’t get that, then there is no hope.
Cover your eye’s people, blood, snott and all sorts of nasty slimey stuff is about to start flying around the room! It’s a good old fashioned duke em up.
now i remember why i have left TSP
normal statements and oppinions still appear to lead to unreasonable blames and hostilities herei wrote just one post to shed some light on a subject, i have not violated any rules, i have not insulted anyone, i have not hurt somebodies feelings (except yours obviously), actually ive not done anything wrong except that i didnt agree with your oppinion, oh mighty king
all i did was to say that i dont like the screenshots and the vids ive seen so far about this dx9 and you come up with this hostility, your unreasonable blames, even comments that are close to insults + SHOUTING
Im surprised that im not banned for having a different oppinion.nothing has changed
have a nice day FF -
adoxa wrote:
Gisteron wrote:
is there some reference to have a Sc_flags and Sc_name node?Nope, just Sc and Sp. You’ll have to add SPECULARENABLE = true to [RenderPipeline], but I still don’t guarantee they’ll work. For a bit of a laugh, try FILLMODE = 2 - that’ll draw everything as wireframe (making text illegible).
Interesting, so you can set up the specularity color and power for each texture individually, but linking it to a proper specular map texture is not possible…
Did I got that right?
I don’t think so. It doesn’t look like there’s any type name to go with it (see the strings from 2274C in shading.dll), so I doubt it’ll be used. Still, I could be wrong, haven’t actually tried (nor will I, although I did add 'em to XML Project, just in case).
OPR8R wrote:
now i remember why i have left TSP
normal statements and oppinions still appear to lead to unreasonable blames and hostilities herei wrote just one post to shed some light on a subject, i have not violated any rules, i have not insulted anyone, i have not hurt somebodies feelings (except yours obviously), actually ive not done anything wrong except that i didnt agree with your oppinion, oh mighty king
all i did was to say that i dont like the screenshots and the vids ive seen so far about this dx9 and you come up with this hostility, your unreasonable blames, even comments that are close to insults + SHOUTING
Im surprised that im not banned for having a different oppinion.nothing has changed
have a nice day FFAhh, you missed me OP. No really, I’m reacting like that because I’ve never seen you giving positive feedback on something you’ve not done yourself. And I am totally glad you decided to leave, in fact I wonder why you came back…
Oh yea! Because you couldn’t help it and had to slander what someone else has done. Yes I’m attacking you and I feel great because of it. I should’ve let it out a long time ago.
Roberts says there are about 16 mission templates - cargo runs, escort missions, search and destroy - reconnaissance, bounty hunts, smuggling, and more
So FL old builds ware more fun and had better graphics then the final
Can anyone remake those missions please
(these are the missions in the bar if someone does not get what missions im talking about) -
No really, I’m reacting like that because I’ve never seen you giving positive feedback on something you’ve not done yourself
yeah - bad memory happens when you are busy trying to mark someone to be the devil
everything good he did or said suddenly never happenedunfortunatly i cant access 50% of my posts anymore here at TSP but id like to refresh your memory
http://the-starport.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=494&forum=10&post_id=9591#forumpost9591no of course you dont need to read them all… just start with the first one
how about YOU giving any positive feedback to what i have done?- keeping TLR online while bp and eraser were still the owners
- bringing many FL modders from TLR to TSP
- dealing with hackers
- getting many FL communities added to the MS fansite
- interventing when worfey was fed up and was going to hand TSP over to reactorforge when his server got hacked
- and all the other small things that i did over the past 10 years that i am supporting the lancer community
anything? no? ok
i just wonder why i never run into problems with the other communities that i have contact to
@tomsons26: It took about 7 years to develop Freelancer and this game has changed more often than you can imagine.
Trust those, who got a deeper look inside the (reversed) code, that most features are unfinished and only those which work flawlessly are active.
i wrote just one post to shed some light on a subject, i have not violated any rules, i have not insulted anyone, i have not hurt somebodies feelings (except yours obviously), actually ive not done anything wrong except that i didnt agree with your oppinion, oh mighty king
Well, to speak truly out of my heart, you have to watch a bit more about others. I read your post like something as making other people down (‘You made my day!’) who don’t have a proper experience or knowledge with that stuff. Of course I can’t see inside their heads, but this might be indeed emotionally injuring.
Another thing - Try to remember I said to you a long time ago - I really guess you could run into way less problems with other persons if you not only look after WHAT you say but also HOW do you say it. It might really change worlds.
I think especially because you say things how do you atm set you in the position in which you are now. Many people see you as an aggressor and provocater in these forums, and you have done some parts to it, too.
You should really try to change your kind of speaking. You could have way less troubles, you could reach even more, you would save a lot of energy along with others would do, and you are just too far from being stupid at all. Use your non-stupidity for positive means, and this includes the change of your speaking.
This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t speak out what you think, but please consider which words and phrases you choose.
You might want to disagree with this posting now, maybe even with 100%, but please just try it out for a few days, a week or two and try to reflect the results of this experiment to yourself. Just a very friendly advice.
Well if you write
im not even putting much hope in a dx9 version as the few pics and vids ive seen so far have mostly hurt my eyes
then I wouldn’t wonder if the people who work on this version get offended.
I myself have seen screenshots I got from wodka and there is only the pixel shader difference between the dx8 and dx9 version. Stating that they hurt your eyes only shows me that you have no clue what you are talking about.
That’s my opinion, expressed the same way like you tend to write.
Schmack hit the nail on the head, and as I’ve been told by many I should normally just be ignoring you but I dunno, I felt like playing with the trolls for once
OP, you can pull out as many posts as you want (bravo on taking the time to get them), I’m pretty sure I could gather as many of you downplaying, dissing, slandering or otherwise being nasty at/about something. I have no interest on playing a counting down of it and weighting each to determine your overall “forum karma”. I think many people will agree with me that you are generally an ass when it comes to giving your opinion. Either you like it and you say nothing or do a small post about it, or you get into a tirade as to why it sucks/diss it on the side/use an hyperbole to express your contempt of it.
I’m not taking any gloves because I don’t feel like I need to anymore. It’s been long enough that I’ve been at this to feel a bit tired of that. You haven’t posted in what, months? And you come back why? To gratuitously slander what someone else has been working on.
Sorry, I’m not taking that.
Schmackbolzen wrote:
Well if you writeim not even putting much hope in a dx9 version as the few pics and vids ive seen so far have mostly hurt my eyes
then I wouldn’t wonder if the people who work on this version get offended.
I myself have seen screenshots I got from wodka and there is only the pixel shader difference between the dx8 and dx9 version. Stating that they hurt your eyes only shows me that you have no clue what you are talking about.
That’s my opinion, expressed the same way like you tend to write.
@OP: I was offended as W0dk4’s a developer of the FW:ToW mod, where he’s put in tens to hundreds of hours to get the game stable on DX9, something we will be releasing to the entire FL community once we get it fully operational.
Saying it “hurts your eyes” is just being rude, inconsiderate and very condescending to W0dk4’s efforts as well as the rest of my development team. I could attack your mod, such as you did mine, but I won’t bring myself to your level.
And if this hurts your eyes:
then there’s a problem with your eyes.
@Schmackbolzen: Thank you
@FF: +1.
@Everyone else: Sorry for the derail of the thread
There’s the knockout blow, and it was a clean punch!
FriendlyFire wrote:
OPR8R wrote:
now i remember why i have left TSP
nothing has changed
have a nice day FFAhh, you missed me OP. No really, I’m reacting like that because I’ve never seen you giving positive feedback on something you’ve not done yourself…
Hey FF - don’t you know Op’s style yet? He’s just cynical, down, depressed, sceptical, but giving his knowledge where he thinks it would be useful in saving people time and effort wasted…!!
And that’s why he doesn’t commit by encouraging, because he doesn’t believe better results can be achieved.
And of course he is still really happy with his old 386 with EGA monitor and his bottle-bottom glasses!
So don’t take it personally, he’s got useful info too somewhere in that head of his. Sometimes. Problem is he doesn’t like to tell, we have to tease it out of him with a rake and long-nose pliers!
Stick around Op, but take my old advice given to you so many years ago - cool it, don’t be so down on people trying to do new things (unless they ask for stupid screen resolutions, then I will take your side too!)
And tell us how you did it and what results you got - you rarely did that.
That would be more helpful than your usual sardonic “you can’t get it better - and anyway I won’t like it!”. :roll:
always the same
if you dont like an oppinion you get hostile and even use insults, you blame me for stuff but you are not even betterI came back because of the topic -> bump maps
not because of the dx9 stuff or to cause troubles
YOU could have accepted the oppinon like every normal guy would have done but instead of that you got personal and that is very poorI have modded many games, including several dx9 games and even one dx10 game. work on the shaders and of course bump maps included
just alone take the vid with the “bloom and color correction”, the bloom in enb looks better as with good settings its less oversaturated and the color correction is influencing the entire environment letting everything look unnatural. just alone the sun that was shown or the engines look terrible in my eyes.
So if you feel offended by that, ok your choice but personally i still believe that good developers at least interested in the “whats wrong with it” and the “what can be done better” instead of going suddenly hostile.oh and before you point your finger on me, read again your own comments on this thread towards the thread starter. Nice is something different.
Op - I’m not being offensive to you, I have a lot of time for you, but come on, cool your depression a bit.
Your input of your experience with so many aspects often starts good but is usually non-descriptive, as in this case. But mainly it’s the way you try to put people off that upsets them - many have succeeded where you have said it was a waste of time. All that does is make you seem less knowledgable in the long run.
And ignore FF, he has some control-freak hangups like many people! After all, he’s a French-wannabe too, I’m just pleased he writes to us in English, many of his countrymen would not!!
I myself, yes, my usual calm, collected, white-rabbit self!, came very close to hitting him a couple of times if he had been a real person standing next to me! Imagine that! Me! :roll: (just found the eye-roll smiley, used it 4 times today)!
He’s the reason I changed my avatar to my more dangerous side! rofl
See what I mean - he won’t even give us a set of smileys that include an ROFL! Pure Control Freak!
Again, I have much doubt that you have any clue what you are talking about, because:- Who is to say that you can’t change the amount of bloom and saturation? (B.t.w. the ENB series have this option)
- Who is to say that you can’t disable/configure the color correction?
- Who is to say that you can’t use shaders others / you wrote yourself?
I didn’t like the color correction video, too. But I know this is not finished and even if I don’t like it I never would say it looks like crap. Also the video quality was quite bad.
So you are basically expressing your negative opinion about a not finished product you don’t even have seen first hand in a very unkindly way. And you are wondering why people react not happy about it?
Usually one would just ignore such a character.