Taking a Screenshot
Well, how do you take a screenshot in this game? I’ve tried Print Screen and the game freezes for a second or two like it’s taking a shot, but no joy. And more importantly no screenshot. Do I need to add a line to the freelancer.ini or get a proggie that runs in the background or …?
If the Print Screen key works then where pray tell does it save the images to? If it’s relevent I’m running Vista 64 as my OS.
Thanks in advance,
Aging Gamer (See I do have an excuse!) -
Should save the screenshot to Pictures\FreelancerShots.
Thank you very much!
Bottleneck wrote:
I’ve tried Print Screen and the game freezes for a second or twoI use Fraps exactly for this reason.
Silly Billies!
PrtScrn saves the screen to the imaginary clipboard.
Alt-Tab out of FL, start any image program, press Ctrl+V or Edit - Paste.
Save it in whatever format you want that your image program supports.
I use IrfanView.
Tut! Tut! Tut! Cubs! Who wants them? :roll:
Well yes, but some games including FL override printscr so it also saves the screenshot.
hitting prtscr dumps the current screen image directly to the my documents/my picture/freelancershots/ folder in .bmp format at least it does in XP anyway.
Continually hitting prtscr while in multiplayer combat will cause momentary lag and a possible unfair advantage (as well as being irratating) and will get you banned on some servers. -
OutCast wrote:
Well yes, but some games including FL override printscr so it also saves the screenshot.No FL NEVER overrides PrtScrn, it works every time.
Unless someone found a way to block it in a mod?
I think it is just that some don’t know how to use their PC fully, because they didn’t start with one long ago.
You say it saves the screenshot automatically? FL? Are you really sure? Where please?
Freelancer saves the screenshot in My Documents\My Pictures\FreelancerShots in bmp format, usually 2mb large.
By pressing alt+prtscrn then it saves the screenshot to the imaginary clipboard, so you can paste it in paint or some other photo editor.
Atleast thats how it works on windows xp.
Also, by defining USER_SCREEN_SHOT in keymap and keylist, user can save screenshots with any key you define in options (ingame).
Good info, I’ll check out the autosave.
I was not aware of it and never found the folder by accident either. But that should mean that it does not work on my machine, since I’ve often used PrtScrn to make screenshots - usually for making my ship icons.
But - not alt+PrtScrn, just PrtScrn works to the clipboard from inside Freelancer (I’m using XP too). Then Alt-Tab to get out of FL (sometimes it takes some time, or two-three goes, or the FL Screen just refuses to go down!) then start IrfanView and Ctrl-V to paste it into IrfanView. Very easy - usually!