Problems with making SUR files? Ask here!
I got a question too:
With every method I tried, one problem appeared:
All Meshes, but not the root mesh, won’t collide with any obejct. But this just happens if players fly this ship!I tried it with sur splice, sur builder, tutorials or Mirkha with infinite hitboxes… no success (multipart Sur).
My group names are correct, the cons fix file is correct too, surmeshes are convex.
i experienced that as well. seems that the sur splicer is somewhat outdated. however, with the multipart sur method all parts detect projectile impact. only thing is object collision and missile impact. oh and the aiming lead is always in the middle of the sur mesh attached to root.
It is frustrating, many hours and painful testing with lots of failures.
OK - put up your sur file and cmp and we’ll take a look for you.
Hi ST, I know request this may greedy, but after many of fail on sur made me “terrified” on sur and related CTD…. So for avoid the “sur problem” become a shadows of my heart… i want to know all detail about “How to make a right and 100% working sur for a Ship/Station/Asteroid model”, Please can you make a video tutorial for this? I believe many other people need this too.
Hi NeXoSe
A video already exists here
Play it a few times, it should become clear.If you still have questions or problems after that just ask again.
essential therefore is the understanding of the cmp file structure… however, it is being explained enough to understand the creation of a sur.
StarTrader wrote:
Hi NeXoSeA video already exists here
Play it a few times, it should become clear.If you still have questions or problems after that just ask again.
Well, actually i already seen the video long time before, but still no idea with it.
The video showing how to import SUR data to CMP file and make model fit with hitboxs… but that not all i want to know. I want to know the full step: First create a SUR for a simple multi part model Then Import SUR data to Model…
Setps in the video:
1, Create a box, change group name to z_kalida_shoals_root, add Materials to the model, name it z_kalida_shoals_sur;
2, Output file using CMP exporter v 1.2.1, file name kalida_shoals_root.cmp, scale down 1, group 1;
3, Open kalida_shoals.cmp and kalida_shoals_root.cmp (Notice that, this one is a box, why it can be root?). Drop z_kalida_shoals_root_lod0.vms and z_kalida_shoals_root.3db to kalida_shoals.cmp;
4, Change Cmpnd->Root->File name to z_kalida_shoals_root.3db, this will change cmp root to z_kalida_shoals_root.3db right?
5, Open a author file? for using other cmp’s data? But how the data fit with this cmp?Humm many problem…
The video is showing how to add the extra parts to the CMP to match all the .sur parts.
He already exported the sur parts, so it is a bit confusing there.
I don’t have a video but here is my old tutorial:-
Tutorial - Simple SUR files for big ships - My Way!
Try it, I made it very easy and step-by-step, but you must follow it closely.
You can use the Convex Tool in MilkShape to get every sur part convex, and watch the group and sur part names, they must match.
I’ve reformatted and attached the tutorial below as a .pdf file in the .zip
I will look into it very hardly when i create ships and stations.
And another question here: make a sur for ship etc needs multiple groups. But how about something like asteroid etc? also need to split?
@StarTrader: Say, this whole bible works also with stations and insainly big turrets? Or capital ships is the only purpose of it?
BTW can you link me up to a download of this SUR Splicer? -
I don’t know about turrets or terrain using sur splicer, I only make this type of sur for ships.
For turrets I resized existing surs.
No, I will not give you the link to sur splicer, it is easy and so you need to find it yourself in the downloads section.
Once you find it you will know how to find other things you need too.
It’s for your own good, believe me.
Skotty. wrote:
I got a question too:With every method I tried, one problem appeared:
All Meshes, but not the root mesh, won’t collide with any obejct. But this just happens if players fly this ship!I tried it with sur splice, sur builder, tutorials or Mirkha with infinite hitboxes… no success (multipart Sur).
My group names are correct, the cons fix file is correct too, surmeshes are convex.
Discovery Mod developer here.
I have this exact issue. Ship works perfectly as a solar object but only the root registers hits when I fly it.
The thing is that when I have other developers test the hitbox, it works perfectly for them. As in, I give them the same CMP/SUR that doesn’t work for me, and when they fly the ship in question, all hitboxes respond accordingly. Meaning something must be wrong either with my machine, my Mod installation, or something similar.
Has anyone found a solution to this issue?
Very odd.
Did you try launching yourself in the ship, switch accounts, start another game, launch in another ship type and test the other ship by collisions & gunfire? This is a bit tricky the first time but you get used to doing it. Choose a quiet system!
There is also this way: -
StarTrader wrote:
Did you try launching yourself in the ship, switch accounts, start another game, launch in another ship type and test the other ship by collisions & gunfire? This is a bit tricky the first time but you get used to doing it. Choose a quiet system!
I tested the ship in Single Player mode. Nevertheless, I crashed it into structures and got the result I mentioned.
There is also this way:, but as I already said, I tested the ship as a stationary solar object and all of the hitboxes work. It’s only when I fly it that it does not work. Once again, my fellow developers have tried the same exact CMP/SUR files on their machines and all hitboxes registered hits in flight. I thought I was an oddball in this situation but with others reporting the same issue, it makes me wonder…
For me the hitboxes are working good for players.
The only thing that does not work for players flying the ship: physical collisions with other parts than the root.
Post your ships and surs and mat files and we’ll try to investigate with you.
another one
built a model with the sur builder .3. besides it doesn’t detect all hits (though some it does and im sure its even on the same part o.o) once there is a collision with e.g. a station the game stops on frame and doesn’t react until i hit my computer to standby, back again and shut down the game via process manager which (the game) until then takes up over 200k of memory.
when i open the spew there are error messages like this```
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\PhyArch.cpp(198) : *** ERROR: Error reading <problem sur=“” filename=“” w=“” directory=“”>. Duplicate part ids: <part ids=“” crc=“”>. Second used.</part></problem>did anyone had a similar problem or could even fix it?