Sur for 3db?
Hi guys,
I got a problem when i want to add new model for asteroid fields. Looks asteroid only allow 3db model for game, so i made a 3db model for it, then made a sur with Obj->Sur converter.
But when i enter game, the sur not work, i mean i cannot get collide with my asteroids.
I re do the sur with LS’s Sur gen, both not work. I test the same model but the cmp one with same sur, cmp one worked, 3db one not, that’s strange.
What’s wrong with it?
The fact is: both sur programs will do a surmesh for the ROOT part. 3db has no root, it don’t have any part. The surmesh should be attached to something like 0000 but the normal sur programs wont do that for you.
Try to use a cmp for your asteroids, maybe it works. -
Huh, beat me to it. But rather than editing the sur, how about editing the converter? I’ve attached the one I generated in just such a way, using Obj->Sur 1.0 Beta 1.3 (after reducing to 46 triangles in MilkShape).
The CMP model seems not work as asteroid. It’s not visible in game and give IMesh error.@cata123
It worked! Thank you. Strange i’m not found the topic before with search…@adoxa
Also worked.But looks that model not be supported by Obj->Sur. There is some face still cracking so i can enter my asteroid through those crack.
Could try this also. had a mess around with the sur_splice source cause I wanted to do a hitbox for a model that was gonna have animations and to put it simply, I hate milkshape.
It will splice together single mesh parts made with Smachs objtosur converter, it should also let you rename the root to what ever you like // for 3dbs?
Just leave the inertia and radius values at (0) in the ini cause it will read it from the SUR generated by the converter and those values are spot on.
And I do meen single meshes.
The option is already added to my .sur converter but I am busy right now with our mod, I can’t make any promise when I will release the next version.
Its not exactly the topic of the thread, but it would be really awesome if there was a 3db->sur converter! I think its even possible to do with XML project, isn’t it?
Schmackbolzen wrote:
The option is already added to my .sur converter but I am busy right now with our mod, I can’t make any promise when I will release the next version.I knew it would be, I just needed somthing fast, I spliced the first one by hand and desided it would be easier to alter sur splice for the time being.
P.S it’s still no substitue for the converter.
I will try this but at next time i have to make model. Sur Splice is the only one tool i haven’t used, so maybe this is the good time to study it.@Schmackbolzen
Please… make it support more complex model like my asteroid… -
PolarBear wrote:
Its not exactly the topic of the thread, but it would be really awesome if there was a 3db->sur converter! I think its even possible to do with XML project, isn’t it?XML Project doesn’t support surs. I’ve thought about adding it, but I’m not really that keen. If they were wrapped in the UTF format, I would have, though, go figure.
I thought, since 3dbs and surs are so similar by the information they hold, it may be possible to convert the model details from the 3db to an up-tight sur. Maby we can work on it!
3dbs and surs are entirely different formats - look at the sources to the Project (or UTFEditor) and SurDump for the nitty-gritty. Obj->Sur will generate a sur, you just need to edit it in the manner previously discussed (until the new version comes out). Not sure what the Builder does. The MilkShape exporter will handle it directly, if I can ever get around to updating it.
OK so what I thought was wrong. Currecting info.
now, about the exporter in Milkshape, its not working. I export a sur file with it, and it just doesn’t fit the object! Sometimes it moves it a bit and sometimes it just doesn’t work. -
You need to use SUR Exporter v1.1, because v1.2 causes problems, it was experimental.
There is a trick you can try for your .3db - import it into MilkShape, reduce the poly count using ConvexTool on each group, or whatever you want, then fix anything that needs fixing, note the hardpoint names, delete them and the original model groups, rename the _convex groups to the original goup names, then export it as an .obj and use that to make your sur using obj-sur converter.
If I resize the model with FL model tool, I need to use the “fit sur to cmp” feature? Or I’ll have to export it full size?
Try it out and let us know. Experimentation dude…