Battlestar Galactica Mod gone
Any news on a release for lan or open sp? I’ve been looking for months for even a mod w/ a viper available in sp, not even just a full bsg mod.
I found Galactica 2.0, Edge of Apocalypse, Dawn of War, and one or two others. I could not find a download link for any of them that were actually functional. It looks like anything that actually may be out there is mp only anyway.
I did find Edge of Apocalypse, but I don’t know anything about fl hook or anything like that. If any of you could guide me in any way I would be eternally thankful! That or if anyone has any of the BSG mods server files.
Thanks for you responses.
Galactica 2.0 comes with OSP support i know that. Ask Gibbon as he made it, prob on his site somewhere
I tried for about six hours tonight to create the Edge of Apocalypse server on a Win 7 machine. I disabled ipv6 and used fl hook 1.6.7, but I didn’t have any luck. The ip address for the server is coming up as fe:(ect.) and the version number is incompatible with my game version.
I tried to find Galactica 2.0 for a couple of hours, I found about three or four links but they were all dead. It looked like it at least had an OSP. I took your advice and went to the link, the mod isn’t available for download on that site. I did register an account and pm Gibbon, hopefully he still checks it and will be kind enough to provide me a copy of the mod.
Thanks for your quick response! At this point I may just have to settle for Diaspora. I wish they would make more games like Freelancer, sandbox with the mouse controls.
I downloaded, installed and played Galactica 2.0 OSP and it works fine. So far, it looks good.
CK256 wrote:
I’ve tried getting an FL server running on Win 7 too with zero success, on good old XP I’ve never had an issue.Have you tried running it under XP Mode in Windows 7? It’s a free download, but you also need Virtual PC, also free, to run XP Mode.
XP Mode is XP running as a Virtual Machine, you can install any XP application into it.
Freelancer and flserver, works on Windows 7 32/64bit.
I think it is a problem with flhook.
Have you installed “Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package” ?x86 : -
BSG mods on moddb are banned i know that much due to licencing issues, i had one removed for that reason years ago.
Only one i know of is Gibbon’s Galactica mod which is OSP only
I realize this is a longshot,….
Anyone good with FLHook still around?I want to add FTL and BSDocking to Freeworlds 1.65
I have FLHook 2 and the plugins.
kos acid web page has ftl Plugin 2.0.0/
also some other tools on there kill counter,bank and build weapons and torps god i miss bsg mod for freelancer
Thanks much. That is where I found my files.
I guess I just have to jump in and start editing ini files.
Dead link
been there since 2014 - get it while you can